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Everything posted by gingerjon

  1. Philip Glass - Heroes Symphony, Symphonies 2 & 3, Violin Concerto Box set from Naxos
  2. So was The Office at first. This is their second go at it isn't it?
  3. You're using some steady Australian talent?
  4. Little Ginger's birthday card was on CBeebies just before 7. It'll be repeated just before 1. I think I'll watch it again!
  5. Isn't two for fifty the same as three for seventy-five?
  6. A few London street shots 1. Barbers, Soho 2. Covent Garden 3. Soho 4. Baker Street tube 5. South Bank
  7. Isn't it just? A lot harder to get a straight sight on the ball carrier as well given that the defence doesn't retreat in the same way. My only attempt (although I hope to go back this weekend) is here. I am now pondering whether to pawn my granny for an f/2.8 lens. Mr E C Tiger, you were right on that one.
  8. Just saw Tony Robinson filming an introduction to something on the Hungerford Bridge steps.
  9. Just made my first photo sale. That's
  10. Once again I am pleased to see Sevvy showing great understanding and bringing the travails of rugby union to the uninteresting, trivial thread.
  11. Nah, this guy was making an effort and was quite near the front ... Whereas Shadow ...
  12. Some from the last week: Last Night at Baker Street Apples! Finishing the Amersham 5 cross-country
  13. Children sense people like you. And parents find it very amusing to let them run at you. And scream.
  14. Is that like 'German humour' and 'Italian policing'?
  15. Post-graduate Certificate in Applied P... ?
  16. In which case, make sure the biscotti are fresh.
  17. I have it black with no sugar, and if you could make sure the biscuits are fresh.
  18. Lost & Found Orchestra installation at the Royal Festival Hall
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