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We had a thread on this a couple of years ago I think but I can't seem to find it. Anybody got any interesting ones they listen to now?

I've just finished West Cork by Audible and thought it was great. It was right up there with the first Serial and the first Up and Vanished. The one downside is that their lack of resolution can be frustrating!

I probably listen to fewer regular podcasts than a few years back: they seem to run their course and become a bit repetitive. I listen to Remainiacs now and again but only when I'm in the mood.

Any good ones worth listening to?

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On 30/11/2019 at 23:01, Shadow said:

Blood on the Tracks is well worth a listen, it's a music quiz that's not really about music.

I definitely second that! ? 

I'm currently enjoying "Quickly Kevin, will he score?“ which is by Josh Widdecombe and about 90's football. 

Also anything by Danny Baker ("Lineker & Baker", "The Tree House" and others) but only take this recommendation if you find Danny Baker funny, which I do. 

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