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Chaplain’s Christmas message

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A Christmas Eve message from our Club Chaplain, Glen Rickard…

Three little words that strike fear into the heart of many parents on Christmas Eve are, “Some assembly required”! We still have our daughter’s “toy kitchen” that we unboxed late on Christmas Eve so many years ago. I see it in our loft occasionally and it still gives me cold sweats! All those pieces, nuts, bolts and stickers. The instructions were written in ancient Egyptian (well they were to me!), and why is it that there always seems to be one (or two) pieces missing and you don’t own the power tool, or large hammer, that seems to be needed? I recall the epic struggle that went on that evening. It was almost one in the morning when I finally said to my wife “can I give you a lift love”?

Seriously, I think that every one of us (if we are honest) need a bit of fixing up. We need the kindness and help of those near to us, to reassemble the disconnected and sometimes broken bits of our world. Christmas is a good time to recognise, that for ourselves and those we love, “some assembly is required”. Assembly or reassembly means connection and relationship, preferably done with kindness – no power tools allowed!

Modern society drives us towards achieving more and more, while connection, face to face, heart to heart, is so often relegated to a post, or tweet on social media (Covid hasn’t helped!) Achievement, done in the right way, is not a bad thing but it’s no substitute for connection and relationship. I know people who have achieved well, but feel isolated and lonely. I know hardly anyone who has cultivated great friendships and devoted themselves to their family, who have had a bad life. Food for thought! So, I wish to encourage us all, this Christmas, to make an effort to connect. Connection helps develop full and satisfied lives. Connection, however, means giving your time.

Time is the greatest thing, the most valuable gift that you can give someone this Christmas. Time is the most valuable thing that we have. The only thing that you will eventually run out of is time. Take time to visit, to ring, take time to listen, to smile, to embrace. In all the tinsel, rush, noise and stress, give a loved one some of your time. Take time to connect and show how much you care. Christmas is time to give. It’s not so much about the money we spend as the life and love we give out. Connecting, with love brings healing and wholeness. It’s where true joy is felt. It’s what we were made for, need and crave. This Christmas, be someone who uses their time to connect and build relationship. Don’t forget though, that those around you carry the sticker “some assembly required”.

You, our fans are amazing! We appreciate you and the wonderful support that you have shown through 2021. You truly are “Ancient and Loyal”. Thank you. We hope that you will also take time to connect with us, next year, during the new season.

Christmas is a time when Christians believe that God sent His Son Jesus, so that through Him we can reconnect to God, the great reassembler. If you feel that “some assembly is required” in your world this Christmas, why not invite Jesus into your heart and home. He carries a complete set of reassembly instructions.

I wish you a Happy Christmas and a joyous New Year.

The post Chaplain’s Christmas message appeared first on Wigan Warriors Blog.

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