Barrow Raiders lose star halfback

Championship side Barrow Raiders have announced the departure of halfback Jamie Dallimore due to work and family commitments.

Dallimore, who has been with the club since 2016, signed a new one-year deal last month to continue into the 2022 season.

However, commitments outside of rugby caused the 33-year-old to ask to cancel his contract with last season’s League 1 champions.

“I believe I’m doing what’s right for me and the club,” said Dallimore on the decision.

“The travel was massive. I don’t have set hours in work, I get done when I’m done which can be any time.

“I’ve also recently had a newborn and my partner hasn’t worked much. I spoke to Paul (Crarey) and the club and I notified the club as early as I could.

“I told them to cancel my contract until we could resolve it as I didn’t want to take money as I couldn’t commit to training. It’s best for both parties and not fair on the squad that’s going into a big season.

“They’ve left the door open to return if I can, but for now this is the best decision for everyone.”

Barrow head coach Paul Crarey said that Dallimore would continue to have a role at the club in mentoring their younger halfbacks.