Brian Carney launches scathing attack at Wigan Warriors players

Former Wigan player Brain Carney has accused the club’s current players for “disgracing the club”.

In a serious outburst on Sky Sports News, Carney, who spent five seasons with the club between 2001 and 2005, slammed the current crop of players for letting the club down.

Carney’s rant comes following the news of Gabe Hamlin’s failed drugs test, which came just a week after Craig Mullen was charged for drink driving.

Zak Hardaker was also charged for drink driving during pre-season while Joel and Sam Tomkins brought shame on the club last year after being filmed drunk and disorderly in a pub.

Carney wasted no time ripping into the club’s current players.

“There’s a good man in charge of the Wigan Warriors, he’s a friend of mine, a guy I played with called Kris Radlinski,” said Carney.

“There are players at that club who are disgracing themselves, and letting the club and supporters down.

“There are people paying money, paying their wages and going to support them every week.

“We’ve had Zak Hardaker pre-season on a drink driving charge, we’ve had Craig Mullen in recent weeks on a drink driving charge, and now we’ve got a UK Anti-Doping violation by Gabe Hamlin.

“I will say this to the players, who do you think you are? You are not the club, the people who go every week are the club. You are disgracing the club, you’re letting yourself down, you’re letting your fellow players down, you’re letting the supporters down, you’re letting Kris Radlinski down and you’re letting Ian Lenagan down.”

They are absolutely disgraceful some of these players. A lot of water is going to flow under the bridge before we find out exactly what Gabe Hamlin has done, but so far it’s been nothing but bad news after bad news after bad news, coming from the Wigan Warriors. The playing group need to buck up their ideas and realise that the game is bigger than them. They are disgracing themselves and disgracing the game.