Hastings reveals his lockdown fears

Wigan star Jackson Hastings has told those experiencing anxiety as a result of the coronavirus lockdown: “You’re not alone.”
The Aussie star, who helped Adrian Lam’s side to the top of the Super League table before Rugby League was put on ice, says he’s had therapy sessions to help him cope.
“It can be tough, particularly for men of my age scale, to be able to get in touch with their feelings,” said the 24-year-old, who was named Man of Steel as he helped Salford to last year’s Grand Final before his high-profile Wigan switch.
“I had a session, and I’m not embarrassed to say that it’s the first time in a long time that I properly cried. The therapist really got me in touch with what I was feeling.
“I’ve been one of those who always wanted to be the tough guy, the cool kid, but the novelty wears off.”
Former Sydney Roosters and Manly player Hastings, who joined Salford in 2017, turned down the chance to spend the lockdown back in Australia.
“In some ways I would love to have been back with my sisters and my two dogs,” he added in an interview with ITV.
“But there’s also my grandad to think about, and I just couldn’t take the risk of going back and passing something onto him, so I decided to stay in England.
“It’s not been so easy, but I try to look for the positives. We can still go out and exercise and there’s the TV.
“I get quite a lot of tweets and messages from people who say they are upset, and I just wanted to say I am in the same boat.
“I’m here if anyone needs me, I’m just a message away. So, all the best and let’s do it together.”