‘Six more tackles’ to be considered by RFL

The possible introduction of the ‘six again’ rule to the UK game will be discussed next week.

The latest RFL Laws Committee meeting will take play on Thursday, June 10th, with the new rules brought in by the NRL set to be discussed by key stakeholders.

Rugby League’s return Down Under saw the NRL introduce the new ruling, which sees the tackle count scrubbed with no delay if there is an infringement within the ruck.

The ruling saw the tempo of games increase significantly, with defences that were repeatedly penalised tiring quickly and tacklers reluctant to wrestle in the tackle for fear of being pulled up.

Chris Chester will be among those present in the meeting, with the Wakefield head coach the representative of coaches from the top three tiers, though he has invited other coaches to attend the virtual call.

RFL Chief On-Field Officer Dave Rotheram said: “The Laws Committee agenda includes further discussion of the points of difference between law interpretations of the RFL’s professional competitions, and those now applying in the NRL.

“This will be a continuation of discussions from the last Laws Committee meeting in January, and will include the latest NRL changes, with Steve Ganson (pictured), the RFL’s Head of Match Officials, updating, having remained in regular contact with NRL officials throughout their lockdown period over changes regarding the policing of ruck offences, and the return to a single referee.

“The Laws Committee will also discuss the implications of the suspension of the season and the medical situation which caused it, as well as the fall-out for the rest of 2020.”

The RFL board must ratify any recommendations that come from the Laws Committee.