What’s Inside League Express: August 31st Edition

Here are your latest teasers.

  • Ralph Rimmer sends out a concerning warning for the future of some of the sport’s professional clubs, beyond 2020.
  • We bring news of a major advancement on the unsure future of Toronto Wolfpack, with next week set to bring a formal decision.
  • Catalans Dragons head coach Steve McNamara lifts the lid on the truly devastating impact of his side’s positive COVID-19 tests.
  • St Helens head coach Kristian Woolf and Salford counterpart Ian Watson express strong opinions on the proposed increase of interchanges.
  • Wakefield winger Ben Jones-Bishop also gives a compelling interview, with his return from a blood clot in his lung imminent.
  • Wigan Warriors director of rugby admits the club may miss out on a huge payday, regarding spectator income, and may consider a desperate move for a midnight kick-off.
  • Two more players have emerged on St Helens’ radar.

You can read selected highlights from League Express, right here, from 8.30 pm on a Sunday night. For more info head here: https://www.totalrl.com/premium-subscription/

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