BARLA throws up Wigan `derby’ on YouTube show

This weekend’s treat on BARLA’s You Tube channel is the 2010 Under 18s National Cup Final between Ince Rose Bridge and near-neighbours Wigan St Patricks.

Screening (tomorrow, Saturday 1 August) starts at 2.30pm.

BARLA’s Media Manager Steve Manning says: “The game, at Fylde RUFC, Woodlands Memorial Ground, Lytham St Annes, involved clubs that are only three miles apart.

“It was yet another compelling BARLA clash with a double-edged sword, showing what it meant to all the players, coaches and clubs to become the best club in the country at that age group.

“Even more important though, in a hotbed of amateur Rugby League, it determined who were the top dogs in Wigan and who had bragging rights in the town at that age group.”

He adds: “To watch the game `live’, simply tune into the BARLA You Tube Channel via You Tube itself and subscribe if you want, or access via the following link:

“The link has been placed on the BARLA website and in the build up to the game the link will be found and accessible in the @barlcups twitter account.”

Manning concludes: “Following the completion of the game viewers will be able to watch it again, or previous weeks’ full length games, as well as other game highlights and interviews.”