Featherstone chairman Mark Campbell has accused the RFL of trying to scare clubs off returning.
Campbell cited the governing body’s figure of £5,000 per week for testing, a figure he disputes.
Alongside Leigh owner Derek Beaumont, Campbell has already accused the RFL of applying delay tactics to prevent the Championship and League 1 returning, with a belief among them that the governing body do not want the leagues to return so they can avoid making a call on promotion and relegation.
Campbell said: “It has been three months since we asked the governing body as to what they deemed to be a meaningful season, which would include promotion and relegation. As of yet we are still debating something that should have been simple to agree on.
“Over this time I along with other chairman and owners have held discussions with other clubs, after listening to their points during the working groups we submitted various proposals to try and find a solution and a schedule that fits all parties.
“As we all know most were reluctant of playing without crowds. It was with that point in mind that I proposed at start date in October and expressed a solution of each club playing one another only once this season, this would have given us the best possible chance of playing in front of crowds.
“Also, I was always confident that if the R rate went down we could potentially play in front of crowds from the beginning of September, which looks favourable at this current moment with how quickly things are moving.
“We were also boosted with the news coming from France, where they are looking to allow crowds of up to 5,000 attend sporting events, this figure would suit everyone in our competition.
“It is disappointing then to read the statement from the RFL regarding the testing costs for each club would be in the region of £5,000 per week. I am confused and concerned as to where they have estimated these figures from, as we have researched our own costs which aren’t close to this figure.
“We have also estimated that it could cost substantially more for us as a club to operate without the season getting back underway.
“It is also worth noting that there are numerous testing stations throughout Yorkshire that are running at below 10% capacity at this current moment in time, this raises the question as to why would we even have to pay for these tests?
“I am concerned that the RFL are scaremongering with these estimated costs and procedures to suit whatever resolution they decide on with the Championship not fulfilling the 2020 season.
“We want the RFL to act in the best interests of all of its clubs, fans and sponsors and we hope they ensure we have the best possible chance of fulfilling our season and I will be sure to raise my concerns at the next RFL meeting on Thursday.”