Smith frustrated with defensive efforts

Wakefield head coach Brian Smith criticised his side’s defensive display as they were defeated 42-28 by Catalans. The Wildcats were put to the sword early…

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Smith looking for further improvement against Catalans

Wakefield head coach Brian Smith has stated that his side are continuously making progress ahead of today’s game with Catalans. With one victory to their…

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Five storylines to watch in this weekend’s Super League action

The Brett Ferres factor in Leeds v Huddersfield It’s safe to say Leeds v Huddersfield on Friday night is a huge game for many reasons….

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Centurions land Owen on loan

Leigh Centurions have secured their second loan signing of the day, bringing in Wakefield winger Richard Owen on loan. The one-month loan will give Owen a…

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Smith furious with Super League scheduling

Brian Smith has expressed his frustrations over the upcoming Super League schedule. Wakefield face Warrington on Friday, just five days after their hard-fought victory over Hull…

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Smith thrilled with Wakefield’s first win

A thrilled Brian Smith couldn’t contain his delight after victory over Hull KR, shouting ‘we’re off the bottom’ in his post-match press conference. The Wildcats…

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Owen’s recovery picks up

Wakefield three-quarter Richard Owen is closing in on a return to first-team duties after making his return to action. Owen was a scorer for a…

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Smith left to rue sloppy Wakefield

Wakefield head coach Brian Smith was disappointed by the way his side faded away in their 40-6 defeat to Castleford. A Stuart Howarth try had…

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VIDEO: Liam Finn expecting Cas to be fired up

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Wakefield fined by tribunal after offensive chanting

Wakefield Trinity Wildcats have been fined £20,000 after an independent tribunal found them guilty of breaches of RFL Operational Rules following crowd misconduct during their…

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