Leeds Rhinos confirm pay cuts

Leeds Rhinos have become the first club to confirm pay cuts have been rolled out across their workforce.

League Express revealed on Monday that all clubs had proposed pay cuts late last week, with Leeds proposing a sliding scale system.

In a statement, the Rhinos said: “We are carefully controlling our costs. Earlier this month, 150 staff, including our players, coaches, office staff and Directors were placed on furlough as part of the government’s job retention scheme. That will remain the case for nearly all staff until at least the end of June.

“We are hugely grateful for the support of our people. In addition to this, the Board have now made the decision to make a number of temporary salary cut to be effective from this month.

“The aim of the reductions is to ensure the club remains in business until at least the end of the year and secondly, to preserve the employment of players and staff. The cuts will apply to all our employees including the club’s players and directors. The reductions are in proportion to relative earnings and those who earn the most have been asked to shoulder the heaviest burden at this time. For our lowest paid employees, the club has protected the UK Living Wage threshold so no salary will fall below £19,344 per annum.

“Whilst these arrangements cover April, May and June, they could be extended to November if the business is not able to operate as normal in the future, the Leeds Board will review the situation at the appropriate time but the hope, and intent, is to return to normal as soon as possible.”

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