Leeds Rhinos star targeting next England match after injury return

RETURNING Caitlin Beevers has said the now-confirmed international match against France has given her even more motivation to get back to her best form as soon as possible.

The 22-year-old Leeds centre struggled with a shoulder injury throughout last season and underwent surgery on it in the close season, which forced her to miss the club’s opening Challenge Cup games of this season.

But just days after the international in Toulouse was confirmed, Beevers returned to action with a two-try performance as Leeds beat Huddersfield 66-4 in their opening Super League game.

“I have been working closely with the England physio and staff to make sure I am in the best shape to come back and they have been class in making sure I will be in contention for that game,” said Beevers, who was replaced at half-time against the Giants as her return to play is closely monitored.

“I have had the best support from both Leeds and England to get me to this point, so I have high hopes that I can be involved in the game against France.

“But that will be up to Stu (Stuart Barrow – England coach) to decide. He’ll make the best decision for the team and if that means I’m not involved, then that will be the right thing.

“You can’t take anything for granted and I never actually say ‘I play for England’ because you could be in one year and out the next. 

“It’s not just something you can expect will happen, but I’m hoping with enough hard work I can get back in. With the game now confirmed, it does push me ever harder to continue my rehab and keep hitting the markers that have been set for me.”

And the importance of the international game is not lost on Beevers.

“We need to get as many international games under our belts as possible, so this will be hugely important for us,” she added.

“The Aussie players seem to play with each other a lot and work with the other southern hemisphere teams. We’ve many never really utilised what we’ve had available enough, but since Stu’s come in he’s wanted to change that and is trying to get us tested as often as possible.

“Stu is also trying to build a younger squad and some of those new girls that are just joining the squad are going to need the exposure of coming into a camp, realising what it’s about and the standards they need to reach. So this game will also be a great experience for them in that regard.”

First published in League Express newspaper, Issue 3,427 (April 22, 2024)

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