Battye’s London lockdown

London Broncos star Eddie Battye has told League Express about the difficult choice he had to make when deciding whether to lock down in London or return to his family farm in South Yorkshire.

Battye’s parents run a buffalo farm at Penistone, near Barnsley, and the 28-year-old, who lives in Ealing, close to the Broncos’ Trailfinders Sports Ground base, says he gave serious consideration to returning to Yorkshire to ride out the national crisis.

“The thought of being back on the farm was appealing for me because I’d have been able to fill my time and keep fit by helping out,” he explains.

“But in the end, I decided against it, because there was that worry of potentially carrying the virus and spreading it to my family members.

“I feel fine, and still do, but I didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks.

“It’s a pity, because my daily run would have been far more pleasant in the Yorkshire countryside, but I’m not complaining too much.

“I’ve been able to get out each day and often take a route that goes by the ground to remind me what the place looks like.

“I also have some weights I can use at home and the club conditioner has given all the players individual exercise programmes to follow.”