Bulls close to agreement with RFL

Bradford Bulls are close to having the RFL sanction the club’s recent change in ownership, following a meeting between the new Board of Directors and RFL representatives Nigel Wood and Blake Solly.
Bulls co-owner Ryan Whitcut said, “We have had a very positive meeting with the RFL today and have been given assurances that the RFL will move as quickly as possible to conclude the process of changing control. Both Nigel Wood and Blake Solly were impressed with what we have produced for them and the quality of the new directors announced in the last couple of weeks. We are hoping that things should be sorted out by the end of this week. We are now also in a position to proceed with the signing of Adam Henry from Sydney Roosters, which is really positive news for the club and its supporters.
Blake Solly, RFL Director of Standards and Licensing said, “It was good to meet with the new Board of Directors today and hear their commitment to the club, the players and the supporters.  We are moving as quickly as possible to conclude the process of approving the change of control, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the directors of the club for assisting in the process.”