Canada break Brazil’s hearts with last-minute World Cup try in 22-16 thriller

CANADA registered their first ever World Cup win with an incredible 22-16 win over Brazil.

Brazil began the brighter of the two sides as Franciny Amaral scooted over from dummy-half inside the opening ten minutes as Maria Graf converted for a 6-0 lead.

Finally Canada replied just before the half-hour mark when Ferris Sandboe went over in the corner, but Dani Frananda’s missed conversion left Brazil with a 6-4 lead.

It was two tries in two minutes for the Ravens, Sarah Maguire charging onto a short pass to cross under the posts.

Sandboe should have had a second as half-time loomed, but the winger knocked on a Frananda pass with the line gaping.

Brazil, however, were the first on the scoresheet at the beginning of the second-half with a 100-metre brilliant effort from Edna Santini after the winger plucked out a Laura Mariu pass. Graf couldn’t convert as the two sides were locked at ten apiece.

The Ravens weren’t about to lie down though and Megan Pakulis stole a four-pointer from dummy-half as the game headed into the final quarter. Fernanda’s conversion made it 16-10.

That being said, Brazil came back with a vengeance with eight minutes to go when Patricia Bodeman slid over in similar fashion to Pakulis. Graf’s conversion again tied things up at 16-16.

But Canada broke Brazilian hearts with a minute remaining as Alanna Fittes dotted down an incredible kick from a scrum. Frananda’s conversion rounded off the scoring at 22-16.


Petra Woods, Ferris Sandboe, Dani Frananda, Nina Bui, Lauren Mueller, Laura Mariu, Sab McDaid, Ada Okonkwo, Alanna Fittes, Elizabeth Steele, Gabrielle Hindley (C), Maddy Aberg, Megan Pakulis. Subs (all used): Natasha Naismith, Kirsty Sargent, Sarah Maguire, Jade Menin

Tries: Sandboe, Maguire, Pakulis, Fittes
Goals: Frananda 3/4


Natalie Momberg, Edna Santini, Leticia Medeiros, Amanda Welter, Danielle Soares, Giovanna Moura, Maria Graf (C), Franciny Amaral, Patricia Bodeman, Paula Casemiro, Patricia Oliviera, Ana Loschi de Quadros, Brena Prioste. Subs (all used): Tati Fernandes, Barbara Leal, Franciele Barros, Natalia Jonck

Tries: Amaral, Santini, Bodeman
Goals: Graf 2/3

Half-time: 10-6
Referee: Michael Smaill
Scoring sequence: 0-6, 4-6, 10-6, 10-10, 16-10, 16-16, 22-16
Venue: Headingley, Leeds