Clough finds positives from lockdown

Huddersfield prop Paul Clough believes the Covid-19 pandemic has brought a sense of togetherness across communities.

The Giants forward has been reflecting during the lockdown and believes the adversity has made everyone stronger.

“It has been a surreal experience for everyone and we are all having to adjust to a different routine and a new way of life,” he said.

“It has made me appreciate how fortunate we are as well as the smaller things that we sometimes take for granted. In a strange way, I think social isolation has brought people together and we are seeing such a surge in community spirit.

“I just hope people stay safe and are well and hopefully we will get through this soon enough. My thoughts are with everyone who may have difficulties or tragedies during this period.”

Clough also revealed the Giants are still keeping in regular contact while in isolation.

“Keeping in touch is important not only for team morale but also for wellbeing.

“Having a catch up on the phone or via FaceTime with the lads is really fun and you get to experience the day to day banter that we are so used to, it really helps to keep everyone’s spirits up.”