Derek Beaumont blasts “pretty desperate” Hull FC over leaked John Asiata deal and explains why Leigh Leopards didn’t match it

LEIGH LEOPARDS owner Derek Beaumont has blasted Hull FC’s “pretty desperate” leak of the John Asiata deal.

The Black and Whites confirmed the signing of the Leigh captain ahead of the 2025 Super League season on a marquee, three-year deal last week.

But, Beaumont, ahead of Leigh’s fixture against Castleford Tigers on Saturday evening, spoke out about why he believes that Asiata has been “thrown under the bus” by Hull.

“The business remains private, if it gets leaked like the John Asiata one did then you don’t comment on it, respond to it or acknowledge it,” Beaumont said.

“To see John thrown under the bus by the club he’s going to go to, which is what Hull FC have done in my opinion by putting that picture of him out holding the cup, with words that I think have been provided by his agent rather than him. It’s not really good behaviour at all.

“Desperate people do desperate things and that’s what I kind of put it down to because they look pretty desperate.”

Beaumont went on to discuss why the Leopards weren’t prepared to match a “crazy” Hull FC offer.

“The work that Adrian Lam has done and other people in the club has made him really good so we wanted to keep John and we offered him a one-year deal. That’s because at his age and with the medical knowledge that we have and intel from our medical department, we felt that from the club’s point of view, that was the best thing to do.

We then agreed with his agent to increase his salary but he wanted another year and we understand that. If I was representing John then I’d have insisted on that too.

“We moved to do that after we had seen him recover from his injury. You don’t really wanting to be dealing with players on long deals when they’re sat injured.

“We have to also factor in that at the end of last season John missed the last four games through injury. He then played one game and a few minutes but got injured before returning against Castleford and then getting injured after 20 minutes against Catalans.

“So we’re sat with a player that’s played one in 15 games plus 20-odd minutes on a two-year deal with a significant part of our cap, plus a quota spot. The medical advice was that we’d be able to manage him in the second year, but then we were told that there was a significant offer.

“When I found out the figures that it’s being reported he is getting, I was made up for John. I was staggered by it but I was made up for him, and I contacted John to say that.

“He messaged back and said that he’s got unfinished business with the club. He wants to carry out our story for this year of getting up off the canvas, doing a bit of a Rocky Balboa and punching out in the end. We’ll see how that pans out. There’s no doubt about his commitment.

“What I can guarantee is that we’ll be spending the full salary cap as we are with the full three marquee quotas that you’re allowed, with a top-level coach, and that’s my commitment and that’s all I think everyone needs to know.”

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