Ex-Canberra Raiders man Matt Frawley reveals the opportunity he turned down to sign for Leeds Rhinos

LEEDS RHINOS will have a brand-new halfback partnership for the 2024 Super League season.

With Canberra Raiders’ Matt Frawley joining Salford Red Devils star Brodie Croft at Headingley for the upcoming year, there is a great deal of optimism surrounding the West Yorkshire club.

Frawley, of course, already has experience of Super League having made 22 appearances for the Huddersfield Giants during the 2019 season.

For the 29-year-old halfback, it was a toss up between staying at Canberra – where he had been for four years – or going out of his comfort zone to sign for the Rhinos.

Frawley took the latter and will be hoping, as they say, that the rest is history.

“Being a big club, knowing what it was like over here and how big a club Leeds is, I probably would have only come back for the right chance this seemed that,” Frawley told League Express.

“I talked to Ro (Rohan Smith) and some people I knew at the club and that sort of impressed me even more. It became an easy decision to come back over.

“I haven’t really had an opportunity to come over other than Huddersfield but Leeds showed interest in me this time.

“For me it was a decision between staying in Canberra for the Raiders or coming over here but Canberra was my home. I loved my time there and I left with great memories and great friends.

“I just think it was the right time for me to move on, have a new challenge and this is it.”

Despite having only been at Leeds for three months, Frawley is loving his time at Headingley, but he will return to Australia’s capital once he hangs up his boots.

“Canberra is home for me whenever I stop playing footy. That’s for when I’m retired and no one cares when I retire anyway! In terms of playing, I’ve got two years here.

“I’ve really enjoyed my time here, it’s only been short but I’m only three months into a two-year deal so I’m not worried about beyond that to start with.

“As cliche as it sounds, you try and take it one game and one week at a time. I learnt that at Huddersfield – I signed a two-year deal and lasted 12 months.

“Anything can happen but I love the club so far, I love the crew and what we are trying to build here.

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