Fax coach Grix calls for 1895 Cup rethink

Halifax coach Simon Grix says the 1895 Cup can work – but needs to be reviewed on a number of fronts before next season.

Grix’s Fax and Bradford both fielded second-string teams and were heavily beaten by Sheffield and Barrow respectively in midweek, just four days after their Challenge Cup quarter-final.

And Grix says that scheduling is a key issue if the competition is to be taken more seriously by clubs in future.

He said: “You’ve got to question it being in midweek. If anyone thinks clubs are taking it seriously, then they should look at ours and Bradford’s results.

“It needs a rethink. I think the original idea where the final would be played before the Challenge Cup, everyone got on board with.

“But then the goalposts were moved and it will be played afterwards, plus there’s no money in it for clubs and players are risking their bodies for no reward.

“The game against Sheffield cost us as a club – not a lot, but enough, because who wants to turn out for what was a borderline Mickey Mouse game?

“The old Northern Rail Cup was brilliant, and this could be as well if it’s done properly.

“But you can’t have it as part of three games in a week for part-time players.”

Grix is also confident that his squad will not allowed their upcoming Challenge Cup semi-final against St Helens to distract them from their top-five Championship goal.

“It shouldn’t be a distraction – it’s six weeks away.

“The last time we got distracted with a big game coming up was at Batley, which could still turn out hurting us.

“The reality is that we have to start taking points off teams above us and we’ve got a tough period coming up.”