Fax help old boy Tangata

Halifax coach, Richard Marshall has pledged to do all he can to help their former prop, Adam Tangata in his recovery from injury after he was made redundant by Widnes.
The Cook Islands international only switched between the two clubs in pre-season to take up his first, full-time contract. But he suffered a pectoral injury which could sideline him for three to four months, and was then caught up in the Vikings’ financial trauma.
Tangata still lives in Halifax and Marshall has invited him to do his rehab with the club. “Adam will always be part of the Fax family,” said Marshall. “The fans love him. What’s happened is a real shame.
“He left us to go full-time with Widnes, which was his realisation that he was good enough to work in that environment. But it has not worked out for him and that’s tough.
“We have said he can come and train with us and I know the lads will look after him.”
Asked if that could lead to a potential return to Halifax once his injury has healed, Marshall added: “We’d love to have him again but we haven’t got pots of money.
“Absolutely he would be welcomed back, but it would all come down to finances.  And I’m sure that we would be at the forefront of Adam’s mind if he decides to play on in this country.”
In further news from Halifax, Welsh forward Sian Jones is set for up to six weeks on the sidelines after sustaining a knee ligament injury in training, but Ben Johnston was available again last Sunday and Chester Butler could feature against Dewsbury this weekend.