Former Geordie Shore star Gaz Beadle attends first ever Rugby League World Cup game

YES, you read that correctly.

Former Geordie Shore star Gaz Beadle attended Australia’s win over Lebanon last Friday night, posting a picture with Australia halfback Nathan Cleary on social media.

Now, Beadle will be attending Australia’s semi-final clash against New Zealand tonight courtesy of Cleary who has managed to get tickets for the social media star.

Former Geordie Shore star Gaz Beadle went to his first rugby league game last weekend.

Beadle is one of the biggest social media stars in England after starring in Geordie Shore and then Ex On The Beach, and, with over three million followers on Instagram and two million on Twitter, it is certainly good exposure for the sport.

The Newcastle United supporter was also keen to attend a Hull FC game earlier in the season, with the famous Black and Whites sporting identical colours to his beloved Newcastle.

Such exposure as this can only be good for the game with Beadle showing off the venue and World Cup to his army of followers.