Grassroots Rugby League outfits asked to help in battle to keep energy bills down for sports clubs

The Rugby Football League has invited amateur clubs to take part in a government survey aimed at assisting a review of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS).

Secretaries have been informed: “On behalf of DCMS (Digital, Culture, Media and Sport) and BEIS (Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) we have been asked to share a survey that will help inform the review process in regard to the Energy Bill Relief Scheme.

“The survey, which asks for individual firm-level details on your energy usage, close at 23.55 on Monday 24 October. The link to complete the questionnaire is:”

The RFL continued: “If you are able to complete the survey on behalf of your club this will be an excellent way to feed in evidence directly to Government; if you are not the most appropriate contact to complete the survey, please pass on to a relevant colleague.”