Hull FC learn fate of Ligi Sao and Franklin Pele appeal and referral

HULL FC have learned the fate of the appeal of Ligi Sao and the referral of Franklin Pele at last night’s Operational Rules Tribunal.

Pele was referred to tribunal on a Grade E Head Contact Charge after being dismissed in the opening round of the Betfred Super League against Hull KR. He challenged the grading, which was adjudged to be correct. He is also fined £750.

Sao was charged with Grade D Other Contrary Behaviour during the same match, but successfully challenged the grading, which was lowered to B. He is fined £250.

Meanwhile, Castleford Tigers’ Liam Watts will miss his side’s next four matches, having failed to have his Grade E Head Contact charge downgraded at tonight’s independent Operational Rules Tribunals.

Watts pleaded guilty to contact with the head of an opponent during Saturday’s Betfred Super League match against Wigan Warriors and the tribunal decided that the original Match Review Panel grading should stand. Tigers’ teammate Charbel Tasipale, however, saw his head contact charge downgraded from C to B and is free to play this weekend. The players are fined £750 and £250 respectively.

Catalans Dragons’ duo Michael McIlorum and Paul Seguier are banned for four matches and one match respectively following independent Operational Rules Tribunals this evening.

McIlorum was unsuccessful in challenging a charge of Grade E Head Contact during Saturday’s Betfred Super League match against Warrington Wolves. Seguier, however, saw his Grade D Head Contact charge downgraded to C on appeal. He is fined £250, whilst McIlorum is fined £750.

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