Hull KR yet to decide on captain for 2015

Hull KR head coach Chris Chester insists no decision has been made on his captain for 2015 yet, and says the issue is yet to be discussed due to star signing Terry Campese yet to arrive in the UK.

Chester says he has a wealth of options to consider before deciding who his skipper will be – including former Canberra man Campese – and says he will decide after the Christmas period on his new captain.

“I’ve not made my mind up or even discussed it yet because Terry is not even here,” admitted Chester to the Hull Daily Mail. “I know Terry has been keeping himself in good shape and, as a proven NRL star, he won’t take much coaching. It will just be a case of him fitting in to our plays.

“He has already got our playbook sent over to him on email, so he will be ready to go when he walks in the door.

“He’s an obvious candidate for the captaincy, but so are Mick and Darryl, who has really put his hand up since coming in. Tyrone McCarthy is very similar as well, and we have got some leaders in the camp now.

“I’ll make a decision in the New Year, when we have seen everyone train and all the boys are in. It’s not a big issue for me at the minute.”