Josh Griffin on “pressure club” Hull FC and England invitation

Josh Griffin has admitted Hull FC is a “pressure club”, but insists he and his team-mates have to embrace the challenge.

After four defeats in five games, coach Lee Radford lost his job in a decision that Griffin admitted was tough to take.

A persistent issue during the last 12 months has been collapses during games, with Hull constantly shipping vast amount of points in short bursts, a problem that cost them against Wigan, St Helens and Catalans.

With expectations high, Griffin insists their fortunes have to change, and that pressure can’t get in the way of the task at hand.

“I think that’s been the story of us for the last few years,” Griffin said.

“We’ve probably got more pressure on us with the squad that’s been assembled. I’ve said it before, it’s one of the most high-pressure clubs you can play for.

“We are literally at the end of the 62, we’re not on our own, we’ve got the red and white lot on the other side. But we’ve a great fanbase, stadium, facilities and squad. I say we’re the sleeping giant, we’ve got everything we need and can’t get it together to make it work and Radders lost his job because of that, it’s not good enough.

“It can be terrible, sometimes you can just go to the shop and get abuse. I’m lucky, I live in Hessle, I can’t imagine what it’s like deep inside Hull. It’s a pressure club and with it comes expectation, but you take the rough with a smooth, like any sport, when you’re winning they love you and treat you like heroes, but we can’t expect it when we’re not delivering.”

Griffin has been a shining light during some difficult times for the club, with his performances earning him an invitation to Shaun Wane’s first England gathering, though it was postponed due to the Coronavirus crisis.

“I’m over the moon,” Griffin said.

“I’ve always felt I’ve been good enough in patches to make the move up before, some people said I was unlucky not to go on tour last year, so to finally get there and be invited to the gathering was something my family was very proud of.

“It would be gutting if the opportunity was lost because of all this, I’m not getting any younger and it could be my last chance, but we’ll see what happens.”