John Kear calls on RFL to lead

Bradford Bulls coach John Kear says the RFL needs to step up and make a decision on whether the Championship will play again in 2020.

Kear says he and others are growing increasingly frustrated at the lack of decisive action and he insists that it needs to change.

Kear said: “I feel like we’re a bit of driftwood floating down a flooded river.

“We’re being pushed and pulled wherever the current takes us.

“I feel there’s no real direction, urgency or desire to get the game at this level back on and that’s very, very disappointing.

“The longer we continue to drift, the more people will get out of the habit of watching live Rugby League.

“I can look out onto the playing fields at my house and see an amateur football club training, albeit in small groups of six.

“I saw that Nottingham Outlaws had tweeted that they’re back training. Yet the elite of our sport aren’t.

“They’re saying the cost of testing could be too much, but to borrow a phrase from another official, can we afford as a sport not to test and get back onto the field?

“On that front the RFL has also secured a loan from the Government. So why not use that to pay for testing and the RFL pays it back to get the sport back playing?

“If you look back through the passages of history, no great leader has led by consensus.

“Great leaders have vision and direction and they take people with them, and that’s what Rugby League needs now.”

Kear has pointed to Australian Rugby League Chairman Peter V’landys as example of exactly that.

Kear added: “He’s been at the forefront of the NRL, leading the way in Australia in getting back to playing and has been richly rewarded.

“But what’s happening here is like me asking my squad to vote on which 17 I should pick at the weekend; they’d all pick themselves and nobody would agree.

“Constant consultancy and consensus just drags everybody down.

“It’s like the rule changes recently – they ask the coaches, and then the clubs. But if they want to change it they should just change it and we then have to coach around it.

“I’m frustrated by the current situation and I know others feel the same.”