Powell launches scathing attack on Ben Thaler

Daryl Powell fumed with the performance of Ben Thaler following Castleford’s defeat to Wigan.

The Tigers’ winning streak came to an end as they went down 33-26 to the Warriors at The Mend-A-Hose Jungle, with Josh Charnley’s two tries helping Wigan move joint top in Super League.

Powell was particularly aggrieved with Thaler’s decision to sin-bin Jake Webster on half-time after the centre complained at the decision not to award a penalty for offside.

Dom Manfredi scored in the ten minutes Webster was off the field, and Powell said:  “It was the way the whole night went, a referee losing his cool completely and that’s unacceptable.

“He got dropped after he refereed us in Catalans and, if I drop a player as many times as referees get dropped, I’d probably be getting rid him at the end of the year.

“There was some unacceptable stuff. I’ll get fined for this but respect works both ways and players need respect in the way you speak to them.”

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More reaction including a piece with Daryl Powell on the club’s recruitment process for 2017 will be in Monday’s League Express.