Richard Moore returns to Wakefield

Former Leeds Rhinos prop Richard Moore has re-joined Wakefield on a one-year deal. The 31-year-old made 102 appearances for the Wildcats in a three-season stint before joining Celtic Crusaders in 2010 and Leeds two years later.

Moore now says he is keen to make up for lost time.

“I’m really excited to be coming back here,” he said.

“I probably played my best rugby here, and that’s one of the main reasons I chose to come back when I had the opportunity.

“I’m just looking forward to getting stuck into pre-season and getting back to the form that the Wakefield fans saw.”

Wakefield’s well-documented financial problems have seen many of the club’s high-profile names move on, and thus they are tipped to struggle when the new season gets underway.

That’s just the way Moore likes it.

“Before the season starts people will be doubting Wakefield. But to be honest I enjoy stuff like that. I thrive off people putting me down and asking questions. What excites me and makes me tick is when people doubt me.

“When I played here before you go to these big clubs and they just expect to beat Wakefield. Wakefield are always psyched up to play the big teams and knock one of them off, and I can’t see anything changing.”