RLEF attend conference on sports sector recovery

Rugby League European Federation regional directors Jovan Vujosevic (Central and Eastern Europe) and Remond Safi (Middle East Africa) were invited rugby league representatives to an on-line, European Commission high level conference,: ‘Recovery of the sports sector after the Covid-19 crisis: the way ahead.’

Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, and Maria Gabriel, European Commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth addressed the delegates, stressing that the pandemic has had a significant impact on the sport sector, and confirming that additional help would be required from all government agencies, with specific emphasis on grassroots participation.

The wide-ranging discussion confirmed that sport accounts for two per cent of the European Union’s GDP.

Jovan Vujosevic, commented: “We have seen great cooperation between the RLEF and the EU over a number of years. They have been one of our biggest financial supporters through projects such as the Erasmus + programme. It was illuminating to be included in the conversations, to debate the respective challenges, and outline potential solutions for rebuilding in the light of coronavirus which has affected all sports and nations.”