It can’t be easy relocating to a different country.
Whether it be the food, the weather or the language barrier, there are plenty of obstacles to hurdle when settling into a new life abroad.
Poor Jodie Broughton has just found that to be the case. Having jetted to France last week to join up with his new Catalans team mates, today he was put in front of the French press.
Despite undoubtedly, trying his very best, it would appear Jodie had a few troubles along the way. After finishing the interview, Broughton told his 9,000 followers that he ‘did a Joey Barton’.
Just did my first interview and I’m pretty sure I did a Joey Barton ???
— Jodie Broughton (@JodieABroughton) November 10, 2015
It alludes to an interview featuring English footballer Joey Barton whilst playing for French club Marseille, we’ll let you have a listen for yourself.
[embedplusvideo height=”401″ width=”660″ editlink=”//” standard=”//″ vars=”ytid=dovfYaQoPoY&width=660&height=401&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep7748″ /]
Now, we’ve probably all done it in a desperate attempt to communicate with someone who doesn’t share a mutual language, but nevertheless, it’s hard not to find Broughton’s misfortune hilarious.
We can only hope the Catalans media team recorded it.
Broughton is a new signing at the Dragons following his move from Huddersfield Giants.