Super League players are turning their profile pictures blue to take a stand against salary cap reductions

Rugby League players are taking a stand against proposals to reduce the salary cap – by posting a blue square on social media.

Stars from across Super League will have made the stand as part of a GMB movement to give players a greater say in the future of the sport, starting with the upcoming review of the salary cap.

The likes of Liam Watts, Chris Hill and Alex Walmsley are among the dozens that have made the stand.

Last week, a GMB consultation with player representatives from all Super League clubs saw a unanimous call for players to get a greater say in the sport’s future, including the salary cap.

A Super League clubs meeting is set for Thursday when the proposed cap reduction of almost 15 per cent will be discussed. At least six of the clubs are in favour of the reduction.

“We all want a return to Rugby League ASAP and whilst we know there are huge obstacles to overcome, it’s vital that players can have their say on how we get there,” Garreth Carvell, the GMB RLPA representative said.

“We also know that fans and our communities support our call to the RFL and the clubs to give us our voice and say in how the rugby revival takes shape. With the imminent review of the salary cap, it’s the player’s wages that will be cut, and yet they don’t get a say.

“Players believe now, more than any time before, our input is vital. It can’t be right that the people playing the game are the only ones that don’t get a say.”

Peter Davies, GMB Senior Organiser, said: “No one denies that clubs are going to have to cut their cloth, especially if we have to play the season out in closed stadiums.

“We’ve made it clear that GMB and our RLPA members will work with them to safeguard the game but players have been clear, they oppose any cut to the salary cap and see that as a restriction in itself to the development and revival of the sport.”

A senior Super League player, who wished to remain anonymous added: “We’ve asked for a vote on this and didn’t get one, that won’t stop us from expressing our opinion on this matter though.

“We must be listened to. If we are going to return this sport to where it needs to be, the best and highest standard of Rugby League possible, we think cutting the salary cap is a massive step in the wrong direction.”