The best Super League player in each starting squad number

After Catalans released their squad numbers for the 2016 season yesterday, we now know which jersey every single player will pull on next year.

It got us at TotalRL HQ asking – who is the best player in wearing each squad number from one all the way through to 17?

After a (very) lengthy discussion, this is the team that we came up with.

  1. Zak Hardaker

  2. Jermaine McGillvary

  3. Kallum Watkins

  4. Michael Shenton

  5. Ryan Hall

  6. Danny Brough

  7. Luke Gale

  8. Alex Walmsley

  9. James Roby

  10. Adam Cuthbertson

  11. Gareth Ellis

  12. Liam Farrell

  13. Sean O’Loughlin

  14. John Bateman

  15. Tony Clubb

  16. Andre Savelio

  17. Ukuma Ta’ai

Undoubtedly there will be some of you out there that disagree with us, so get in touch on social media and let us know what you’d change!