This week’s Rugby League Back Chat

Don’t miss Rugby League Back Chat sponsored by on Freesports TV this Thursday 3rd May at 6pm, hosted by Rod Studd with Martyn Sadler (Editor Rugby League Express), Gareth Walker (Daily Mirror) and Chris Irvine (The Times) discussing drugs in Rugby League, Zak Hardaker’s 14 month ban after testing positive for cocaine, referees and the need (or not) for the Video Ref, and will new Huddersfield coach Simon Woolford’s NRL experience save them from the drop?

Rugby League Back Chat, sponsored by, is broadcast Thursdays on FreeSports TV, which can be found at Channel 95 on Freeview or 424 on the Sky platform. The hour-long programme is repeated several times over the weekend (check listings) and will appear here on the website from 9.00am on Saturdays.

Tell us your thoughts on the show, or any of the topics raised, by joining the Fans Forum. Click here to read what others have had to say about Back Chat.