Toronto Wolfpack decision delayed

Toronto Wolfpack’s future remains undecided after the Super League board deferred a decision on their future.

As expected, a decision was made to allow the Wolfpack’s prospective new owner Carlo LiVolsi an opportunity to speak to the rest of the Super League board about their potential readmission.

Sources have told TotalRL that there were some concerns around proof of funds, something LiVolsi is set to be questioned on when he speaks.

But it means the status of Toronto remains up in the air and still no resolution for the players and staff who have gone without pay for four months.

LiVolsi has been given another four-week period to work on his reapplication before speaking to clubs.

Executive chairman Robert Elstone said: “From the outset, the Super League Board have said consistently that it will provide Toronto Wolfpack with every chance to present the best possible case for a place in the competition next season.

“That process has to be thorough, fair and equitable and today’s decision is a further demonstration of our commitment to ensuring that.

“There were many areas of Wolfpack’s submission to date that required greater clarity and our Clubs felt it was important to hear from Mr LiVolsi himself before making an informed, objective decision on the club’s future involvement.

“They also believed it to be important that an objective re-assessment should be completed of the value and viability of the growth of rugby league into the North American Market to help advise the Board decision on Toronto.”