Vidot focused on Salford before WWE challenge

Salford Red Devils star Daniel Vidot has lifted the lid on his trial with professional wrestling organisation WWE – but says he isn’t giving it another thought until after his time in Rugby League.

Speculation had linked Vidot with a switch to wrestling in WWE late last year, but after leaving Brisbane Broncos, he instead penned a two-year deal with the Red Devils to try his hand in Super League.

And he told that he loved the experience of being taken out to America to chance his arm in wrestling – with WWE reportedly keen to give him a deal.

However, his only focus at the moment is Salford, and says that WWE were aware of his plans to play Rugby League in the UK before he signed anything to move into wrestling.

“I was told that they were keen for me to do a tryout, so I got flown out there and I said why not,” he said.

“It was an awesome experience and I got to meet a lot of stars I watched as a kid like The Undertaker and Triple H, and it’s definitely in my plans for the future.

“That’s down the track though because they were aware I was always coming to England and I can go over at an older age. First things first though I want to finish my league career before focussing on everything else.”

For more from Vidot on his move to England and his switch to Salford, check out the video below.

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