Warrington trio sign new deals

Warrington Wolves have extended the contracts of Ben Currie, Jason Clark and Matt Davis.

England forward Currie has signed a new three-year deal with the club, Clark has extended his contract by two years while Clark has signed a new one-year deal.

Currie has made 180 appearances for the Wolves since his debut in 2012.

Clark will remain for his third season with the club and link up with good friend and new signing Greg Inglis, while Davis will also enter his third season following his move from London Broncos.

Head coach Steve Price said: “I’m delighted that all three players have agreed new deals with the club.

“It’s fantastic to have Ben Currie re-signed for a further three years. I thought he had a really strong season this year and he’s only going to get better. I see Ben capable of being a future leader of our club going forward and driving high standards.”

“Jason Clark is the ultimate professional and a team-first person. We are all very appreciative of all the little things he does for this team and I’m excited to work with him again next season.

“Matty Davis has really earnt his stripes since making the step up to Super League. He sets himself really high standards, does all the little things right and I’m Iooking forward to Matty growing his game.”