Anyone who’s a regular reader of League Express (have you seen this week’s, by the way? You can read it here) will know that Garry Schofield tends to not pull any punches from time to time – and he’s not held back this week!
Schoey’s League Express column rates the Hull and Warrington squads ahead of this weekend’s Challenge Cup final, but when speaking on The Last Tackle – which you can watch below – he has launched a scathing criticism of Catalans forward Dave Taylor.
Schofield declared Taylor’s attitude the worst he’s ever seen from a professional, and said if he was in charge at the Dragons, Taylor’s appearance during the 44-0 defeat at Hull would have been the last time he’d played for Catalans.
“What I’ll say about the performance from Catalans is that if they had the attitude of someone like Glenn Stewart, they wouldn’t be getting embarrassed like they are now,” Schofield said.
[embedyt] //www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dyLovIsfOk[/embedyt]
“Dave Taylor, the attitude what he showed on Thursday night was quite simple: he didn’t want to be out there and he didn’t want to put the shirt on. Even coming out after half-time you could see him being on the wing as a front-rower, what sort of attitude is that? If I was the chairman of Catalans, then he wouldn’t be playing for my club again because quite frankly, your attitude was not professional enough and it was disgusting.”
Catalans coach Laurent Frayssinous said after the game that Taylor had played with a broken rib: but Schofield wasn’t having any of that.
He said: “I’m reading that Dave Taylor has gone out there and played with a broken rib: well I don’t believe that, to be honest. I’ve played with broken ribs and you can’t play.
“You talk about player welfare, if someone is injured then everyone should be questioned – I’m just not having it. You can’t go out there and perform so I don’t believe he had a broken rib. His attitude was the worst I’ve seen from a professional rugby league player.”