WATCH: USA Hawks v Leeds Rhinos LIVE!

The pre-season action hasn’t finished for today yet – there were five games at 3pm (roundup below), but the Super League champions have still to take to the field.

ROUND-UP: Sunday’s pre-season action reviewed

Leeds Rhinos are taking on the USA national side, with kick-off at 7pm in the UK.

League Express will have a full report of the match in tomorrow’s paper – but why not watch the match live first? It’s being streamed, and you can watch by clicking the link below:

[embedplusvideo height=”423″ width=”700″ editlink=”//” standard=”//″ vars=”ytid=lvZHuOSh4AM&width=700&height=423&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1849″ /]

ROUND-UP: Sunday’s pre-season action reviewed