What’s Inside League Express: October 5th edition

Teaser time!

  • A change is coming in 2021 that could challenge the pathways of young players next season.
  • On that matter, Ben McNamara and coaches from Wigan discuss the need for reserve grade return next year.
  • We have reaction from Salford and Leeds after reaching the Challenge Cup final, plus pressure being applied to let fans back in grounds.
  • One Super League forward is being made available on loan next season.
  • There’s another new retention at Hull KR, and news on a player who will be leaving.
  • The latest on Toronto.

You can read selected highlights from League Express on TotalRL.com Premium from 8.30 pm on a Sunday night. For more info head here: https://www.totalrl.com/premium-subscription/

You can also get the full digital edition at www.totalrl.com/le from approx 9.30pm on Sunday or get a print copy in stores from Monday.