Will Maher joins Hull Kingston Rovers

Will Maher has become the latest player to join Hull Kingston Rovers.

The Cumbrian prop has signed a two-year deal with the Robins and will join fellow Castleford player Greg Minikin in making the move to KCOM Craven Park next year.

“I am really excited to join Rovers. I have played against the club a few times and have experienced the crowds before. I am very excited to be working under Tony Smith here,” Maher said.

“I had a really good few years at Castleford, but it was definitely time to move on and go somewhere that I can reinvent myself.

“I am looking to progress under Tony’s stewardship. I like the way that Tony goes about his business. He is more about the person, than just the ‘rugby player’, which I like.

“He took a lot of interest in me personally rather than just talking rugby-wise. I am looking forward to developing that strong relationship on and off the field, we got on really well.”