Charity asks for fans’ help

THE Rugby League charity, Rugby League Cares, is urging fans to come up with a catchy name for their new ‘Past Players Association’.
The charity’s idea is to get former players back involved in Rugby League, and they are offering the competition winner a chance to attend the RL Cares glittering World Cup dinner at Huddersfield’s John Smith’s Stadium on Friday November 1st and meet some International legends from the past.
RL Cares General Manager, Chris Rostron, said: “The past players can sometimes feel like a forgotten community, but they give real value to our game.
“The aim of this new central association is to get more of them back involved in Rugby League.
“We want to deliver events and promote events for them and act as a support as well.
“We’ll also help out locally with those club associations that are already doing well, and go into clubs that don’t have one to encourage them to set one up.
“Hopefully this can snowball and will be seen as an active network.”
Rostron also believes that there is value for Rugby League fans to sign up and become members of the charity.
“As a member of RL Cares you’ll be entitled to go to many of the events we put on for the past players and get to meet your heroes and legends.
“We need a name for the new central association, and that’s where the fans come in. We need a title that captures the essence of what they have achieved and the fraternity we want to establish.”
Supporters wanting to contribute ideas for the new name can tweet them to @RLCares using #RLname, or they can email their suggestions to