Duchess of Cambridge becomes new RFL patron

The Duchess of Cambridge has become the new patron of the Rugby Football League.

The patronages of both the RFL and Rugby Football Union have been passed onto her from Prince Harry, who had been been patron of Rugby League’s governing body since 2017 until stepping down last year.

The announcement was accompanied by a video on social media involving the Duchess and three England Rugby League players, Jodie Cunningham (St Helens), Harry Newman (Leeds Rhinos) and James Simpson (Leeds Rhinos), plus three rugby union representatives.

“We are truly honoured by the appointment of The Duchess of Cambridge as the Rugby Football League’s Royal Patron,” said RFL chief executive Ralph Rimmer.

“We are delighted to welcome her as we prepare to host Men’s, Women’s, Wheelchair and Physical Disability Rugby League World Cups in England this autumn.

“Our sport’s history has been built on a commitment to tackling inequalities and we honour that through our focus on having a positive social impact well beyond the pitch.

“We look forward to working with the Duchess in the years to come, and I know all levels of our sport will welcome her to the Rugby League family.”