Ex-Leeds Rhinos and Toulouse Olympique star creates app to help young rugby league players find new clubs

YES, it’s a headline that you perhaps wouldn’t have been expecting today.

But, it’s a story that needs telling.

First created in order to permeate the world of rugby union, former Leeds Rhinos and Toulouse Olympique star Eric Anselme – who is currently the attack coach at Toulouse – has taken a new app into the 13-man code.

The ‘myRookie’ app – which can be found in the iOS and Android marketplace – is a new innovative way to match young players who are currently free agents to clubs who may be interested in new blood.

For Anselme, it’s been a long process to get to a 12,000-heavy user number on the platform.

“I created an app called ‘myRookie’ it is a digital app available on iOS and Android. I created this to give an opportunity to young kids and rugby league players worldwide so they could be connected directly with recruiters in the sport,” Anselme told League Express.

“The goal is the players download the app, they create their own profile with videos of them playing etc and clubs will do the same the other way. They can connect with thousands of players worldwide – French and Australian, for example, in both codes.

“We have go 12,000 players on the platform and 630 clubs which are rugby union clubs.”

Anselme went on to explain how he was able to recruit a number of players for the Toulouse Olympique youth sides by using the app for a scouting day at the club.

“I organised a scouting day last season with the ‘myRookie’ app for the Toulouse Olmypique reserve grade and the Elite One.

“We got 45 players attending the scouting day and then, from that, we got six players who signed for the Toulouse Under-19s and first-grade because of the app.

“I wanted to help players and rugby league clubs by connecting them together.”

It’s an interesting method, but, for players to be put in touch with clubs that perhaps wouldn’t have normally come into the radar, it can only be a thing good for the sport.

Download the app on either iOS or Android by clicking the link here.