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Posts posted by JohnM

  1. It would help if the National Anthem were played about 20,% faster than currently, to take it out of the"dirge" category and into the  "spritely". category.

    Anthems worldwide have controversial and ill- favoured lyrics.

    Grab your weapons, citizens!
    Form your battalions!
    Let us march! Let us march!
    May impure blood
    Water our fields!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 56 minutes ago, up the robins said:

    What a poor choice of highlighting our game with those two games.

    Both involving two teams with nothing to play for against two top teams, it looks like who ever picked them doesn't know very much about rugby league and seen the names Wigan and Saints and thought I know them I will pick them.

    Do we  know who picked these games, and when.?

  3. 1. The soccer fans who don't rate the RL system are precisely that: soccer fans, a group well known for their appreciation of the way FIFA, UEFA, FA, Premier League, World Cup etc are run. 

    2. The fact that Beaumont had copied what the succssful and sustainable clubs had been doing for years does not conflict with"Re-imagining Rugby League". Rather, it reinforces the IMG scheme which adds the quantitive to the qualitative so that all clubs can benefit from the experience of the successful clubs.

    3. If Beaumont has now changed his mind about something he has not voted for, it implies he's changed his mind about things he's done previously. 

    4. Alternatively, in this era of conspiracy theories, maybe he sees an opportunity to play a bigger role in the sport.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. That's a good point. A lot of this is based on speculation all round. A bit like life, really.

    But maybe this could be a fresh start. One might speculate that in parts of the country, NRL might be seen as a "new" sport. Consider the way NFL International Series presents itself, especially to the younger end of the market. 

    Mind you, to look "new", the NRL would need to make a clean break with the northern sport for northern folk Eddie Waring stereotype and that's where the problems would really start. 


  5. I'm not sure its about what "Aussies" do or don't think.

    I think it might be about what 7millions of UK citizens are not thinking.

    We Brits like foreign stuff and to non-fans, of which there are close on 70 million here,  the whole NRL thing might appeal . 

    In addition, it may well be (or not) that the  NRL people are more able/likely to get national media attention.

    One way or another though, there is going to be tears before bedtime.😥

  6. 19 minutes ago, Dave T said:

    I'm pretty sure that earlier in the season it ha the tv channel. Logo against each match. I expect it was too much effort to maintain. 

    Now I'm retired, I can say, "no, I can't be bothered".

    Up to then, though, if I'd told my boss "it's too much effort", I'd have been immediately freed from the tyranny of gainful employment. 😄

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, sam4731 said:

    "I won't be satisfied until I see the optimum quality of rugby on the pitch, even if that means that all meaning is lost from matches."

    Ask any Rangers or Celtic fan if they'd like the Premier League to takeover Scottish football for a better quality competition.

    Sport is more than just about what's going on, on the pitch. In fact I'd say most people enjoy sport because of the history, rivalries and emotions of what they watch, rather than the intricacies of tactics, player quality etc.

    So what if Saints don't have the best players in the world. I want to watch Saints vs Wigan, not the Merseyside Rabbitohs vs the Manchester Warriors.

    I can understand that. We're all fans of our teams. But there's just not enough of us. That why we need to retain existing fans and attract new ones too. A difficult balancing act. Years ago, the Pareto Principle was often quoted as 80% of your revenue come from 20% of your customers. But there is also the attrition rate: are you replacing those customers who leave, with enough new ones to plug the gap?  

  8. Agreed. Why not a tab for TV schedules? Why not a tab for " buy tickets? 

    However, if you go Match Centre and click on a particular game, there is a button "tickets" but you have too many clicks to get there, you can't just browse.

    • Like 1
  9. Not trolling for a response. Just noting how it looks.

    When we said we wanted live SuperLeague on the BBC, we didn't mean THAT game. We meant THIS game.


    You couldn't make it up. 

    The game's gone

    Bluddy IMG.


  10. Did each game attract more spectators ( or more tickets money) than they would have done had the games been held at each clubs own ground? Eg, Wigan v Saints at Wigan? Hudds v Cas at Hudds

    Does anyone know if the stadium costs were subsidised by for example, the Yorkshire Tourist Board,? 

    Who gets the profit, if any?


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