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JohnM last won the day on December 24 2021

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  1. It's my arthritis. I can't walk quickly....and I wasn't at the game. Still, id NEVER leave a game early. .... . . . . . though I might watch the end of it from the bar .
  2. Good grief! I've only just seen the final score after drying my eyes following our comprehensive defeat by a much better side .
  3. Maybe, may be not. We're sadly missing some leadership in the field. Plus Williams is WAY better than Smith..
  4. Warrington playing as a motivated team well-led. Wigan....we...are not.
  5. Something for everyone in this sad dressage episode, from conspiracy believers, through those mis-prnouncing Dujardins name to those drawing parallels with Strictly Come Dancing.
  6. Also Loibl pass. Further down this article you'll see a section on the building of the tunnel and the associated concentration camp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loibl_Pass
  7. Many places, mainly mountains. One interesting place: Samnaun, a customs and duty free Swiss village in the middle of nowhere. Plus Stelvio, Umbrail, Nockalm, Triglav.... Stayed one night in a convent, another in a former monestary converted into a posh hotel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samnaun
  8. Just returned from 4 weeks in Slovenia, Austria, Germany, etc and things have not changed: more or less everyone we came into contact with wanted to speak English with us. A few words of German, French from us was welcomed but after that, all were keen to practice their English. I've used Duolingo but the problem is age-related retention failure
  9. Understood. So they are not highly motivated and capable owners, directors, players and fans fighting to restore their club to prominence and winning ways.
  10. In my view, the advantages of the opportunity to explain the story behind the name outweighs the disadvantages of reinforcing the northern stereotype so yes, just do it.
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