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Posts posted by WakefieldCityLoyal

  1. 20 hours ago, Trojan Horse said:

    Trinity missing today:












    Still winning and keeping a team scoreless is very impressive under the circumstances. 

    With the additions for next season Trinity should give a good account of themselves in SL should they get there. 

    This season they are doing a very good professional job. Especially now in the midst of an injury crisis. 

    I thought we’d have lost with the side we had out, probably the best performance of the season given the circumstances.  Hard couple of weeks ahead Toulouse away Fev at home.

    Up the Trin 

  2. 31 minutes ago, Daft old hooker said:

    Exactly you got the money from the s106 order which you did absolutely nothing for it was all to do with a company getting planning permission while you moaned someone owed you a ground. Meanwhile the other 2 clubs in the district got sod all, so don’t brag about how much you have done because you just got lucky.

    If we had done sod all we wouldn’t have a new stand, pitch, floodlights multi million pound investor, new ground improvements on the horizon.   Together with on and off field improvements our future is looking very good.   Took a lot of hard work and a number of years but things are looking good.

    Up the Trin 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Fevrover said:

    It's a town actually in the WMDC and far from tin pot,for the size of the place we have a club to be proud of. You keep on ' giving' season tickets away to get your crowds up. I thought this was a friendly discussion. 

    Only kid’s season tickets are free on the back of a paid adults season ticket.  Some clubs give kid’s tickets free without a paying adult, imagine that.

    Up the Trin 

  4. On 14/04/2024 at 08:04, SouthBedfordshireFan said:

    Please do not get me started on what is and what is not cities because honestly besides Leeds none of the places that have a professional/semi professional rugby league team are cities in my book. Especially Wakefield. 


    Although small for a city, Wakefield is still bigger than most RL towns.  Best little City on earth.

    Up the Trin

    • Like 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, Bedfordshire Bronco said:

    Plenty of Wakey, Cas and Fev fans who will happily boo and denigrate the Whinos over the summer....then merrily sing MOT at Elland Road

    As Wakefield is the biggest City in England without a pro football team and LUFC is the closest team for most of Wakefield and always has drawn big support from Wakefield hence having a club shop in the City centre for a number of years and MOT is LUFC’s song. That’s why we merrily sing MOT at Elland Road and very happily boo and denigrate the Whinos over the summer. Just not this summer.

    Up the Trin


    • Like 1
  6. It was a good night, new East Stand is excellent we looked well coached fluid and strong.  Obviously floodlight failure was disappointing especially for Matty Ashurst but better it happen what was a test event for the new stand before season starts.  

    Up the Trin 

    • Like 4
  7. 6 hours ago, bigbaldnmad said:

    TH, Damien was replying to a post from KP on the quality of the side Wigan put out.... its only 10 posts back.

    Anyway, it's obvious that Wigan should concede the WCC and voluntarily switch places with Trinity, as it clear that Wakefield are far superior to Wigan.


    Not this season, it’s all about improving on and off the pitch ready for next season.  The future is looking good.

    Up the Trin 

    • Like 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, bigbaldnmad said:

    Wow, what a bite!!!!

    Slating Fev having had to beg to borrow our training facilities when coming out of the covid restrictions, your club is a joke.

    From the author of the sleeping giants thread, as if Wakefield could be classed as a sleeping giant. Apart from the sixties, when you won 5 of the seven major trophies you have won (champions on CC), you have done nothing.

    Just remind us all how many years you sat at the top table, taking all the sky TV money on offer, you wasted the same amount of money that got Saints, Wigan, Wire and Leeds where they are.

    You obviously think that now you have a money man you can talk a 'boad of lollocks', well jog on.

    Wakefield are just as bad as Cas, you've had the funding and done nothing. 


    Don’t know who’s the bigger biter.

    • Haha 6
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