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  1. Re -Posted version after original got wiped. Episode 6 posted above. S2 E5 THE BLACK WHEELS Catweazle is down at the Elderford rubbish tip, collecting junk, that to him is wondrous. He gets on his tricycle, has a rope hooked up to a pram which is full of this junk, and pedals back to Duck Halt, the disused railway station he calls home. He enters the waiting room with his "booty". CW " Touchwood see, the marvels these foolish sorcerers leave behind, wondrous, miracles." He picks up a wall clock from the pram, and places it among other wall clocks he has gathered. CW " aha...tyrant thou has lost thy power, join thy brothers." Next a colander, he looks at it puzzled, CW "this bowl will hold no water, some looneth has made holes in it. ( sighs) Your right Touchwood I found not what I sought, the sign of the lion is hidden from me" Catweazle is engaged in collecting examples of all 12 signs of the zodiac in order to fly, or so he thinks. Catweazle then sees in his newly acquired rubbish, a book. CW " mayhap a book." He opens it , the " pages" are record sleeves, each with a vinyl disc inside them, Catweazle picks one out of a sleeve, this one is in two pieces, he realises the pieces fit to make one black disc. CW " it's a mystery....magic." At King's Farthing, handyman Groome is sitting in the kitchen, towel over his head, breathing in steam from a bowl of hot water, trying to rid himself of a rotten cold. Mrs Gowdy the housekeeper looks on, MG " you ought to see a doctor Henry, you're behaving like a child, he won't hurt you" Gr ( whispered croaky vioce) " I don't need a doctor." MG " what nonsense, what about tomorrow." Gr " I wish you'd mind your own business Mrs Gowdy " MG " anything to do with King's Farthing is my business, and it's no use hiding under that towel, I'll see what his Lordship says." Catweazle has taken two more records out of their sleeves, and placed them on the floor, he studies them puzzled. CW " what is the power of these black wheels Touchwood? Oh Adramalic, Nurgarl, wise demons I call on thee tell me the power of these black wheels...( pulls a face) .nothing works! Owlface, he will tell me." Mrs Gowdy approaches Lord and Lady Collingford sitting outside at a garden table having tea. MG " it's bad news I'm afraid." Cedric meanwhile is at the vintage car the Collingfords use, washing it, with a bucket of water, a cloth, and musical accompaniment, he has a turntable near playing classical music. Charles and Dotty on hearing the news, LC " suppose the doctor can't do anything?" LyC " then you'll have to put the whole thing off." LC " Buckhunter, I can't do that, he's president of the historic weapons society, he's bringing them all tomorrow." LyC " the weapons? LC " no no , the society" LyC " then there's only one thing to do, find another guide." LC " another guide? Who on earth are we going to find to do that? LyC ( smiles) " you Charles."
  2. Outside King's Farthing Jack Victor is saying goodbye to the Collingfords. LC " an underground river?" JV " no doubt about it, according to my surveyor these water diviners really know their stuff" LyC " water diviner , what did he look like?" JV " funny old fella ,bit of a hermit if you ask me. But he was right, you can't build where there's a wogle stone, didn't know that did you " LC " ..er.....no" JV " take care of it.....the wogle stone " The car drives off, Lord and Lady Collingford stand bemused. Back at the site, the men are in their hut, Catweazle is using a pick axe digging deeper into the pit. C " hidden water, I know it is here " Suddenly a torrent of water spurts upwards, drenching Catweazle. C ( gleefully) " I have found it, the hidden water...." Cd" Catweazle you great idiot , you've burst a water main " But Catweazle isn't listening, but running away joyfully. Jack Victor is again having trouble with a black cat, this time on his way out of King's Farthing. His car motionless as he stares at cat. JV " oh not again, go away....." Catweazle turns up and picks up cat, and walks holding it up to Victor. C " it will bring thee luck" JV " just a blackberry cat eh.....listen I can't thank you enough for finding the river" C " oh it was nothing " Jack hands him his business card, JV " next time you're in town, look me up" Catweazle looks in wonderment at the card. Back at Duck Halt, Cedric and Catweazle, and of course Touchwood the toad, are together. C " I don't understand, why did he give you his card?" C ( sighs) " thou art ox witted Owlface. See.." The card has VIRGO printed on it, which Catweazle can't read ,but also a logo next to the letters, an artist's depiction of a young woman in a robe. C " the sign of the maiden. Another sign, soon I will have them all......then I shall fly" The End
  3. Arriving at the building site, Cedric and Catweazle place the stone at the edge of the hole dug by the builders. Cd " are you sure this is the right place?" C " aye, it is where I fell, and see the monster,.....er..machine " Cd " cheek , they must have been digging on our land for hours. What do we do now?" Catweazle takes a piece of chalk from his robe and draws something on the stone. C " now we wait" Cd " what for, Mr Victor might not be back for hours " C " someone comes I see them" Cd (puzzled) " where I don't see anyone " C ( points to own forehead ) " I see them here" Victor turns up in his Rolls Royce. Cd " you're right.....for once" The two of them hide behind digger as Jack Victor beeps horn and his men come out of hut. Walter Richardson is the surveyor. Their attention is drawn to the huge stone perched on the edge of the pit. A spherical stone with two eyes drawn on it in chalk. R " what the hell is it?" Catweazle emerges from hiding place. C " touch not the wogle stone " R " the what!!?" JV " the wogle stone, didn't you hear him" R " I heard him alright, he's given us trouble before " C " touch not the wogle stone " R " what this thing?" C " he that does touch the wogle stone shall all alone moan and groan" JV " I don't like the sound of that" C " thou must not move it" Cedric behind the digger is trying not to laugh. JV " it'll have to be moved sometime, there's going to be a supermarket built here" C " no man can build where stands the wogle stone " R ( shouts)" he's round the bend!!" JV " I've never heard of a wogle stone have you?" R ( shouts)" NO I BLOODY HAVEN'T and nor has anyone else, he's potty...now listen you old fool...." JV " steady on Walter" R ( shouts) "there's going to be a big estate here, and it will take more than that overgrown pebble to stop that " JV " don't antagonize him, he might have the evil eye" R " I'm worried about you Jack, why do you believe in all this nonsense" JV " it's best to be on the safe side and it could be an omen " R " omens, signs , this is supposed to be a building site NOT A BLOODY FAIRY RING" JV " couldn't we just leave it for now?" R " no we couldn't " JV " I hope you're right" Victor goes back to his car for sanctuary. Richardson calls over to the other men. R " Dave, Billy , over here , lets move this " Catweazle kneels in front of stone and closes his eyes. Jack in his car gets a phone call. JV ( phone) " hello...WHAT!.......WHAT!!..( getting out of car).....don't touch that stone." R " now what..?" JV " we've just lost the Welsh contract because of that thing" Catweazle stands and smiles, C " ah...now you have seen the light" R ( shouts) " GET LOST YOU" JV " Walter I don't know what to do, I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown " R ( to men) " get rid of that thing " JV " touch that stone and you're fired" Catweazle's divining stick suddenly vibrates, C " ah...water....I have found hidden water..." JV " he has too, he must be a water diviner, there must be an underground river " R " don't be ridiculous " JV " we can't build here, not over an underground river " R " you're not taking that idiot's word for it?" JV " I've worked with water diviners before, it's uncanny, they're never wrong" R " look Jack who's the surveyor " JV " you are , but he's a water diviner, he's found water, that's good enough for me. We are not building here" Victor marches off, Catweazle triumphantly looks on, Cedric comes out of hiding grinning.
  4. At lunch at King's Farthing Charles and Dotty Collingford, Lord and Lady, are listening to Jack Victor, wearily. JV " then I took over Amalgamated Construction " LyC " was that predicted in the stars too" JV " oh yes, and the cards too" LyC " cards?" Victor learns forward and accidentally knocks over a salt cellar. JV " oh sorry " LC " never mind, leave it" JV " I'm sorry I have to do this" Victor picks up a pinch of salt and flings it over his shoulder saying, JV " one for silver, one for gold, and one for luck that's never told" Back in the moat Cedric has got a wooden wheelbarrow. Cd " it must weigh a ton, we'll never lift it" C " believe in my powers Owlface" The two stand either side of stone ready to lift it into wheelbarrow. C " yan, tan, tethera" They lift it and put it in barrow, and the bottom of the barrow falls out, crushed. But it's okay, the stone is wedged in the barrow, it can be moved. They set off to the building site. Back at lunch Jack Victor is still droning on. JV " at this moment Virgo is building 600 homes" LyC " virgo?" JV " Victor investment rehousing group organisation....v, i, r, g, o, ...Virgo for short " LyC " but must you build here Mr Victor, surely there's other places" JV " I can't ignore the omens. I don't understand you Lady Collingford, anyone would think you don't want to sell" Charles and Dotty stare at each other, there's no getting through to this guy. Cedric and Catweazle are heading towards the site, wheeling the huge stone , Touchwood riding on top of it . Cd " I honestly don't know why we're doing this, what if the builders don't know about the wogle stone?" C " then they will learn. No man may build......" Cd " .....where stands the wogle, come on then " Suddenly after hitting an uneven patch of ground the wheelbarrow topples over, the stone thuds into the ground. C (alarmingly) " Touchwood where are thou?" But the toad is okay, Catweazle scoops him up and strokes him. C " my wondrous beast I thought I'd lost you" Cd " I should never have listened to you in the first place. Let's forget the whole idea" C " nay , thy faint hearted brisket." Jack Victor gets in his car Charles and Dotty see him off. JV " think it over, 80,000 pounds is a lot of money and I've noticed your guttering, very dodgy, money'll be useful ,...I'll be back at 6" The Rolls Royce leaves. LyC " do you think he intends staying for dinner" LC " I don't think I could stand it" LyC " we better expect it, and if he doesn't it'll be such a lovely surprise "
  5. In the grounds of King's Farthing Cedric and Catweazle approach the moat. These days unlike in 1066 when Catweazle jumped in, the moat is virtually dry, just a trickle of water. It is basically a deep ditch about 100 yards from the manor house. Catweazle holds his wooden divining stick. This time he holds the other end of the stick to when he was looking for water. The stick vibrates. C " ah...it is near" Cd " you're picking up water from the moat" C " nay, this end for wogle stones, other end for water " Cd " those stones are wogle stones?" C " one of them is" Cd " which one?" C " I know not" Cd " keep down, you can be seen from the house " C" bah!" Cd " the whole idea is crazy, how can a stone stop anything " Catweazle takes Touchwood out of the pocket of his brown robe and holds the toad on his palm. C " come Touchwood " Touchwood starts croaking , C " see , he feels its power" The croaking gets louder as Catweazle nears a stone. C " here it is" The stone is a spherical grey stone, about two foot in diameter. Cd " looks like any normal stone to me" C (angry) " thou glass eyed Gaul fly can you not feel its power" Cedric and Catweazle together lift up stone from moat bed, and then it drops, Catweazle jumps out the way as it thuds down on the earth. Cd (smiles) "almost felt its power then didn't you"
  6. Catweazle has come to a building site , or the beginning of one anyway. A large hole dug in the earth by a mechanical digger, one man operating it, another watches, then a car pulls up, the site surveyor gets out and calls to men. Surveyor " tea up lads " Catweazle ( hiding behind tree) " tea up? The call of the hunters " The men go into a hut for tea. Catweazle creeps up to digger and looks up in awe at the machine, not having a clue as to what it is. Suddenly a bit of ground under the digger gives way, the 'claw' of the machine creaks loudly and then falls from its horizontal position to a vertical one, Catweazle alarmed steps backwards and falls into hole, the men come out of the hut and run over to see Catweazle in the hole. Surveyor " what are you doing down there, come out NOW" Catweazle climbs out and runs away screaming on fear. C " spirits of the brazen vessel help me" Back at King's Farthing; JV " how do I get to this little railway station here. We'll have to buy that too" Cd "you don't mean Duck Halt?" JV " that's right Duck Halt" Cd " why d'you want to buy that " JV " we'll have to buy it so we can pull it down, there's a service road going through there" Cedric has heard enough he must warn Catweazle. Catweazle has run full pace back to Duck Halt, and enters waiting room that is his home. C " Touchwood, they hunt for me with monsters. They have pits to trap me, we must make magic." Jack Victor is on phone; JV " oh well done lad, draw up a contract, pin them down " Lady Collingford whispers to Lord Collingford. LyC " I suppose we'll have to ask him to stay for lunch " LC " but I can't stand the fellow " LyC " me neither, but we'll have to ask " JV (putting phone down) " another feather in our cap, big development in Wales" LyC " I don't suppose you could stay for lunch?" JV " that'll be nice, thank you " LyC ( sighs) " oh...good" Cedric arrives at Duck Halt and opens waiting room door, and is almost knocked over by a pram, sent flying across room by Catweazle . Cd " hey..." C " pardon, pardon Owlface, it was not meant for thee" Cedric wears glasses, hence Catweazle calling him Owlface. Cd " you jolly nearly got me. And listen Catweazle they're going to pull this place down " C " the hunters?" Cd " hunters?...no they're builders " C " builders, but they hunt me with a toothy monster " Cd " that's just a machine to help them build" C " I will not go from here" Cd " don't you see if they buy it they'll make you go" C " make ME! HA! I who have escaped from the Normans " Cedric only half believes Catweazle has come from the past. Cd " erm...I wouldn't brag about that if I were you. You see it's not your place really, and if they catch you , well they might make you live somewhere not nice " C " not nice?" Cd " so we have to stop them" C " we will by magic " Cd " what magic" C " the power of the wogle stone" Cd "the what stone?" C " has thou never heard of the wogle!!?" Cd " no" C " place it where they will build, call on Hecate, and no man will come near " Cd " what does it look like?" C " well like .er.....like....like a wogle thou gowk" ( foolish person- Old English) Cd " so you just plonk a stone down and all the builders and bricklayers pack up and go home " Cd " no one shall build where stands the wogle stone. Come Owlface " Catweazle picks up divining stick. C " this will lead us to the wogle stone " Cd " I thought that was for water " C " aye....water and wogle stones"
  7. Catweazle in the woods with his divining stick , and suddenly the stick shakes, as if water is detected. Catweazle excitedly bends down in grass, but he has only found a discarded milk bottle with dirty rainwater in it. C " if I find not water, I will never find the sign of the maiden " In the dining room at the manor, Victor has laid out a map across the dining table, a bemused Lord and Lady Collingford and Cedric look on. JV " now then, Victor Investments Re housing Group Organisation has decided this whole area is ripe for development. We've already started building in Elderford" LyC " what those bungalows...oh dear" JV " they're very nice, they all have their own baths, central heating and double glazing. You won't recognise this place in five years, they'll be 200,000 people living here" LC " ( alarmed) " how many?!" JV " 200,000....depending on where we put the factory...( leans over map)...look here's Elderford and here's King's thingamy" LC " King's Farthing...what's all this here" JV " houses shops offices " LC " but they're on my land" JV " they are now yes" LC " but these houses come right up to my moat" JV " alright we'll plant a row of trees, coniferous , they'll hide everything those will. I'll come straight to the point, we want to buy 253 acres of your land " LC " it's not for sale" JV " do you know how much it's worth " LC " not exactly " JV " I do, 80,000 pounds" LC " 80,000!" ( approx 1.2m in 2020) JV " and the stars all point to this very area, the vibrations and the omens are very good" LyC " omens?" JV " oh yes, for instance Elderford has nine letters, that's very lucky" LyC " I didn't know that" JV " look I don't expect you to rush into this without knowing the facts, what I really came to ask you is, is it alright for my surveyor to look over the land, dig a few trial holes, check the ground over"
  8. In the dining room at King's Farthing Lord Collingford is on the phone. LC " oh I see, can't be helped" He turns to Lady Collingford at the breakfast table. LC " that wretched man's office again, he's going to be late " LyC " don't get nervous Charles " LC " it's these business tycoons, I never know how to talk to them " LyC " I expect he'll do all the talking" LC " I didn't understand a word of his letter. I don't like it Dotty darling, and I won't be talked into it, whatever it is" Catweazle is at the window of the Rolls Royce. JV " can you move that cat" C " mayhap it is a fetch" JV ( worried) " a fetch...that's a witch in the shape of a cat isn't it?" C " aye, but fear not , behold...( pointing at cat)...oh witch depart if fetch thou art, for too long has sat if thou are cat" Catweazle strokes cat C " yan...tan..tethera..( picks up cat)...nay is but a blackberry cat" JV " that's alright then,...who are you?" C " I am Catweazle master magician " Victor drives off into the grounds of King's Farthing. At the front of the mansion Groome the handyman is up a ladder cleaning the glass panes of the main door, Cedric is watching him. G " haven't you got anything better to do than watch me?" Jack Victor's car pulls up, and the cigar smoking very superstitious tycoon gets out. JV " hello I'm Jack Victor I've come to see Lord Collingford " Cd " yes my father said you'd be coming. I'm Cedric. Do come in, they're in the dining room " JV " the ladder..er.." Cd " it's quite safe" JV " yeah, but I'll have to go under it to get in, know what I mean " G " I suppose you want me to move it?" JV " if you wouldn't mind" Groom grimaces and descends the ladder.
  9. AFTER POSTING THIS EPISODE, JUST REALISED EPISODE 5 WAS LOST WHEN THE SITE WENT DOWN. I'LL REPOST IT BELOW. S2 E6- THE WOGLE STONE At the disused railway station Duck Halt Catweazle continues to look for the 12 signs of the zodiac in his quest to fly. He gazes into a crystal ball that he has found and looks into it deeply. C " oh please spirits of earth air fire and water and the wondrous spirit of electrickery, where shall I find the sign of the maiden" Further looking into the ball; C " water.....hidden water" Catweazle turns to his pet toad Touchwood that lives in an old Wellington boot. C " the ways of magic are like a twisted path Touchwood. If the hidden water will lead me to the sign of the maiden, first I must find the water " Catweazle picks up his water divining stick, a Y shaped stick, and determinedly leaves Duck Halt. Outside King's Farthing, the name of the stately home of the Collingfords , there is a Rolls Royce parked, just outside the entrance gates of the estate. A man sits nervously at the wheel, a black cat sits in front of the car stubbornly refusing to move. The man is Jack Victor. JV ( at cat) " move it , go away, go on go away , damn it " Close by in the woods Catweazle hears as Jack Victor uses the car horn to try and get the cat moving. C " Hunters!!.mayhaps it is me they hunt" Jack Victor picks up the car telephone JV " this is 286246, get me 014938188....... Jack Victor here, I'm 200 yards....er....some distance from Kings Thingamy , will you tell Lord whatisname I'll be late...thank you" Victor suddenly sees Catweazle, who is hiding behind a tree. JV " hey you come here...listen...I just want a word with you " Cautiously Catweazle walks to the car.
  10. 12. DO NOT FORSAKE ME OH MY DARLING - the episode without McGoohan, made whilst he was away filming Ice Station Zebra. He returned to appear in a couple of scenes after the rest was in the can. Number 2 this episode; Clifford Evans In an atypical teaser before a modification of the standard opening sequence (different music, the usual Number 6 / Number 2 dialogue is absent), two men sit in the office of a senior intelligence officer named Sir Charles Portland. They are analyzing photos by way of seeking clues that will lead them to locate a missing inventor named Professor Seltzman (later revealed to have developed a technology that can switch two people's minds into one another's bodies). They are unsuccessful. A man referred to only as "Colonel" arrives at the Village and only then learns from a new Number 2 that his mission is to trade bodies with Number Six, using Seltzman's system. Number Six had been the last agent to have contact with Seltzman. 6 and The Colonel are placed on the Seltzman machine, two couches connected by complex machinery. After the swap, Number Six (now in the Colonel's body, and retaining only his pre-Village memories) awakens in his old London apartment and soon sees an unfamiliar face in his mirror. His fiancée arrives and, of course, fails to recognize him. He prudently restrains himself from enlightening her, but is shocked that the date is a year on from his last memory. Despite the shock, he realizes what has been done to him, maintains his cool, and sets about to regain his own body. After a visit to his former superiors (the most senior of them, Sir Charles Portland, previously seen in the teaser, Janet's father) avails him nothing because Sir Charles simply doesn't believe this is his agent in another body. 6/ Colonel attends his fiancée's birthday party. There, he retrieves an old photo lab receipt from her, which he had given her in pre-Village days. He implies his true identity to her with a kiss that somehow convinces Janet he is her fiancee. With the retrieved photos back at his flat, they had previously been developed by Sir Charles' minions, and then returned to the shop, it seems—he uses an alphanumeric code system based on Seltzman's name to select certain photos which, projected together and viewed with a special filter, reveal the location of Seltzman. This turns out to be (the fictitious) Kandersfeld, Austria, to which Number Six promptly travels. Seltzman is believed—at least by Number Two and his superiors—to have perfected the reversal of the mind swap process. This is exactly what Number Two wanted, and, Number Six having been followed, both men are gassed into unconsciousness and returned to The Village. The restoration of the identities, however, takes a final unexpected twist: Seltzman agrees to oversee the switchback, but actually does a three-party switch: the body of Number Six gets his mind back, the mind of the Colonel is transferred into the body of Seltzman, who then dies, and Seltzman transfers his own mind into the body of the Colonel, and then leaves on the helicopter before Number Two knows what is happening.
  11. That evening in his cottage 6 pours drugged tea down sink, but nevertheless is drugged anyway, the Guardians foresaw this and put the drug in the tap water. 6 is laid out in the laboratory, this time the drug injected is weaker thanks to 6's tampering. Who is "C"? Well 2 announces that they have no film of C to feed into the machine, whoever it is has kept themselves anonymous. At the party, in the dream, 6 meets hostess Engadine in the arbor and she reveals she is C ! 2 is staggered , he had no idea, he suggests plans must be made to bring Engadine to the Village. 6's dream next goes to the French countryside as Engadine drives 6 to a mansion to meet her boss. 2 is ecstatic , another person, 14 wryly suggests calling this character "D" In a deserted darkened street 6 meets this anonymous buyer of the secrets 6 has to sell. This figure is masked until 6 forcibly removes mask to reveal...Number 2 !! In the laboratory 2 and 14 gasps in horror, then the realisation hits Number 14. 6 was taking the p*** He of course controlled this third evening because he wasn't properly drugged. Hilariously 6's dream self enters a dream laboratory to meet the dream versions of 2 and 14, he hands the dream Number 2 an envelope, inside are holiday brochures. He didn't intend to sell out after resigning he was planning a holiday. 6 from his SLEEP has beaten 2 and even in his DREAM TALKS TO 2 IN THE REAL LABORATORY ( WTF !!) 6's face looks out of the tv screen to face Number 2! He tells 2 he wasn't selling out, the premise that 2 had was false. The hotline phone in the laboratory rings, its Number 1 .....Number 2 seems to shudder in fear.
  12. 6 sees 14 at the cafe and tells her be recognises her from his sleep. She basically tells him to get lost. 6 visits 2 in the Green Dome office, and shows him the scar on his wrist 2 denies all knowledge of the cause. That evening 6 is drugged again when he drinks his tea and once again is connected up to the dream interpretation machine in the laboratory. As before his dream manipulated so he is at Madam Engadine's party. This time agent "B" is introduced, female of Eastern European origin and another well known to 6. 6 and B dance at the party, this agitates Number 2 who wants him to get on with selling (or not ) his secrets to B. By connecting a microphone to the machine 14 speaks into 6's dream putting words in B's mouth. B ( via 14) urges 6 to sell out to her, 6 is shocked , this doesn't ring true, it doesn't sound like the sort of thing B would ask. 6 leaves her to the mercy of " A" and his thugs who have returned. 2 is satisfied it wasn't her he was going to sell out to. 2 can't but help glancing at the red hotline phone here in the lab, a direct link to Number 1, 2 knows time is short if Number 1 isn't going to run out of patience, and get rid of him. 6 awakes next morning and sees two needle marks on his wrist. The only clue 6 has is that 14 is somehow connected to whatever is happening, he can't forget that image of 14 looming over him with a syringe. He sees her walking through the Village and follows her out of the main village into the surrounding woods, and a rock face with a metal door in it. The door slides open, 14 enters, walks down a corridor to the secret laboratory. Number 14 efficiency personified spends time checking the equipment ready for the third part of the " 6 dream interrogation." 14 leaves the laboratory and back to The Village, and 6 emerges from an air duct that he climbed into from the outside and enters the lab. He sees everything the machine, the syringes , two empty one still full, of 14's wonder drug and the three dossiers 2 has of A B and C. He picks up syringe and empties half of in sink and fills it up with water. He leaves laboratory prepared to sabotage that night's shenanigans.
  13. 11. A, B and C Number 2 this episode Colin Gordon ( again) A dark and stormy night sees 6 brought unconscious on a hospital trolley to a secret laboratory on the outskirts of The Village. Number 2 and a white coated Number 14 wait as 6 is brought in and laid out on the medical operation couch. Number 2 recently had a very uncomfortable conversation with Number 1 on the phone, 1 wants 6 broken and is running out of patience. In the lab is a dream viewing machine. Once a patient in a sleeping state is connected to it, their dreams can be probed and visualised on a huge TV screen. 6 is asleep and 2 and 14 watch 6's dreams . Not very interesting he's just dreaming of handing in his resignation at the London office of his former employer. However 2 has compiled three dossiers of agents he believes 6 was going to meet after resigning and sell out to. The mysterious agents just labelled A B and C. Number 14 has developed a drug that can manipulate dreams, 6 is injected with it and 2 wants 6 to meet all three in his dream, and 2 hopes to discover who he was selling out to if he hadn't been kidnapped and brought to the Village. Just for a second no more, 6 opens his eyes as 14 looms over him holding syringe, then he goes back to sleep. A film of a party given by socialite Madam Engadine of Paris , a friend of 6, is fed into a projection slot on the dream viewing machine, and fed into 6's brain, possible due to 14's wonder drug. The picture on the TV screen in the lab that 2 and 14 are watching shows 6 enter the party wearing a tuxedo, the drug works, his dreams are being manipulated. Now 2 wants 6 to meet the first of his three candidates that he believes 6 was selling out to. A reel of film showing "A" is placed in the machine and the image fed into 6's mind. "A"is an old friend of 6, an agent who has recently defected. After 6 rebuffs "A's attempts to buy secrets from the newly resigned 6, "A" orders two thugs to take 6 out to his car. 2 and 14 watch intensely as 6 is driven away in the dream. 6 is dragged out the car at a deserted roadway, a fight ensues, and 6 wins. In the lab 2 is satisfied that "A" is not the or wouldn't have been the recipient of any deal. 2 orders 14 to move on to B. 14 resists , and says 6 must rest, until tomorrow evening. The next morning 6 wakes back in cottage with no memory of the events, EXCEPT the momentary sight of 14 looming over him holding a syringe. He frantically looks at wrist, a needle mark is there.
  14. 10. THE GENERAL Number 2 this episode; Colin Gordon. ( left) Number 6 — along with the rest of the Village population — is subjected to a new mind-altering education technology called "Speed Learn" which can instill a three-year university level course in history over a television screen in just three minutes. A young man, Number 12 tells 6 all this at The Village café. It was invented and is "taught" by an avuncular individual known as "The Professor" who is nevertheless seen trying to escape from the Village along the beach at the episode outset. Number Six finds a tape recorder on the beach dropped by the Professor as the Villagers chase him. 6 hides it in the sand and is driven back to The Village for the latest lecture that nobodyis permitted to miss. Back in his cottage 6 sees the Professor on TV no worse for his ordeal, telling the audience about the wonders of speedlearn and praising The General. A humming noise emanates from the TV and 6 seems hypnotised. When it stops the lecture is apparently over. Number 2 enters with guard Number 2 tries to find the tape recorder, which he thinks Number Six has, but fails; he then quizzes Number Six on the lecture, and Six answers correctly. 6 can now reel off facts about the Napoleonic wars hitherto unknown to him. After Number Two leaves, Number Six goes back to the beach to find the tape recorder, only to find that Number Twelve has it. Number Twelve agrees to help Number Six. 12 seems a friendly guardian and hands 6 the tape. On the tape the professor states that speed learn is an abomination and slavery, and that The General must be destroyed. At the mansion that the Professor and his wife live Number Six discusses art with the Professor's wife, sketching her in a general's uniform. He searches her house, finding busts she has carved of him and Number Two, and smashes a lifelike effigy representing the sleeping Professor. The wife is clearly a talented artist and is shocked and screams when 6 smashes a walking cane on the wax effigy of the Professor in the bed. She thought it was her husband. 2 states that the Professor is helping them prepare the next lecture. Clearly there's some coercion here, the Professor and wife are prisoners too. Number Six fears that Speed Learn could eventually be used for mind control. Number Twelve assists him by giving him a set of passes and a pen that will play a message about the professor's confession. Before the next lesson is to be broadcast, Number Six infiltrates the projection room in a labyrinth under the Village Town Hall, and installs his own message. The pen 12 gave him contains a micro dotted message in a cylindrical metal tube hidden in the pen. He is detected and thwarted in this attempt, and the real message is broadcast. Number Six is interrogated and refuses to reveal the complicity of Number Twelve. Number Two claims that the General will know who his accomplice was. "The General" is revealed to be a sophisticated, experimental mainframe computer which has purportedly been programmed to be able to answer any question put to it. As Number Two is about to ask who assisted Number Six, Number Six says that there is a question that the General cannot answer. Number Two arrogantly accepts the challenge; when Number Six feeds his brief question into the General, the computer begins to smoke out of sheer consternation. Fearing the worst, the Professor tries to shut down the computer, and as it begins to overload, Number Twelve tries to save him. But The General self-destructs, killing both men in the process. A distraught Number Two asks Number Six what the question was. The General, and Number Two's plans, were destroyed by a simple epistemological trick: "Why?"
  15. 9. A CHANGE OF MIND Number 2 this episode; John Sharp Number 6 pursues his daily exercise routine in the woods. Two young toughs arrive and accuse him of being anti-social for not using the community gym and a fight ensues in which Number Six prevails. In an anteroom to the Council Chamber, a Villager is seen desperately confessing to being "inadequate and anti-social"; he is applauded by others for this admission. Number Six is invited into the committee chamber to confess his lack of cooperation, but sarcastically declines to do so. The Village newspaper, the Tally Ho, reports that Number Six is due for "further investigation". Number Two denies having any influence over the committee but warns of the consequences of non-compliance. Number Eighty-Six, an attractive female, chides Number Six for his non-cooperation. Number Six's exposure of a community "rehab" process causes the committee to label him uncooperative. He is taken to the Hospital, where he encounters a Villager with a scar on his temple who says that he had been labelled as "unmutual", but is now cured. Number Six again appears before the committee and is told he will be labelled for "Instant Social Conversion" if he doesn't fall into line. He then reads in the Tally-Ho and hears over the public address system that he is officially "unmutual". Next morning Number Six is thoroughly shunned, and Number Two threatens him again with Social Conversion, which is a sort of lobotomy. Number Six is attacked by the irate Villagers and marched to the Hospital. There he is strapped to a table and the Social Conversion process is explained to a Village television audience by Number Eighty-six, who is the chief technician in charge. Drugged, Number Six is subjected to an ultra-sonic treatment which lobotomizes him. At the last second, Number Eighty-six shuts off the ultrasound. Number Six wakes up, apparently docile, returns to the community, and is welcomed by all. In his flat he sees his cup of tea being drugged by Number Eighty-six and pours it away. Number Two arrives and questions Number Six about his resignation, but is rebuffed. Number Two and Number Eighty-six discuss Number Six and reveal that the "ultra-sonic" lobotomy was an intentional sham, meant to convince the subject (in conjunction with the drug) that he has been lobotomized. Number Eighty-six, watching Number Six remove the dressing covering his "operation scar", doubts that he has been properly conditioned, but Number Two insists that all is well. She tries to drug Number Six again, but he takes over the tea-making process, switching the cups so that Number Eighty-six drinks the drugged tea instead. Back at the exercise site in the woods, the thugs again confront Number Six. He initially appears confused and unable to defend himself, but ultimately rallies and prevails. Number Eighty-six, still intoxicated with the drug, is hypnotised by Number Six and explains how the conditioning process was faked; she is given undisclosed instructions by Number Six. Number Six visits Number Two and convinces him that the ploy has worked, informing him that he wants to publicly confess to "everyone". Number Two arranges for the whole village to hear Number Six speak. The programmed Number Eighty-six arrives on cue at the stroke of 4 o'clock and loudly charges Number Two with being "unmutual". The Villagers turn on Number Two, who is forced to flee through the Village streets. 2 is captured and dragged of, presumably to be lobotomized.
  16. That's a shame but if you read my posts hopefully you'll get a handle on what it's about, that's my hope of doing them, admittedly it is weird, but basically a simple tale of secret agent captive, but told bizarrely in a bizarre location. Number 6 may have been John Drake of Danger Man, but McGoohan always denied it. Suspicion fell because admitting it was the same character would result in McGoohan having to pay royalties to Danger Man creator, Ralph Smart.
  17. Charles runs into hall, calling up, LC " Dotty darling the cups are back" LyC " I know I may be in need of sleep but I thought you said the cups were back." LC " I did, the croquet cups isn't that fantastic. Tearful Ted must have brought them back" LyC " how kind of him, that's marvellous." LC " the only thing missing is that creepy looking inkwell." LyC " well I never liked that anyway. I do wish you'd come to bed Charles " LC " just going to lock up Dotty darling." Dotty turns and SCREAMS. Catweazle is standing before her , she faints, he runs down the stairs. Charles is running up , Catweazle quickly hides behinds the curtains covering the stairs window. Charles runs passed, Cedric runs out of his bedroom. Charles and Cedric pick Dotty up. LyC " the burglar...." Cd " what's happened" LC " it's all been too much for her, she thought she saw the burglar." LyC " I did see him Charles " Cedric looks down into hallway, he sees Catweazle creeping out of front door. At Duck Halt the next day. Cd " thank you for bringing everything back, well nearly everything." CW " what does thou mean?" Cd " what about the inkwell?" CW " inkwell?" Cd " hmm, the creepy looking inkwell." CW " this?" Catweazle laughs as he shows Cedric the one piece he has kept, a silver inkwell in the shape of a crab! Cd " sign of the crab?" CW " aye, sign of the crab." Cd " and I said no more stealing." CW " is but borrowed my brother.....until I can fly." Cast; Cedric....Gary Warren Charles.....Moray Watson Dotty....Elspet Gray Catweazle......Geoffrey Bayldon Mrs Gowdy....Gwen Nelson Pugh......Derek Francis Ted.......Ronald Lacey
  18. Cedric turns corner and collides with Catweazle who lets out a shriek of alarm. Cd " be quiet, quiet, come on" There are hiding in a little yard outside the kitchen entrance. Cd " the place is crawling with police, Dad's on the warpath." CW ( anguished) " let me go" Cd " quiet" Pugh walks by , not seeing them, and walks off round the property. Cd " you got to help me put the stuff back, come on" Tearful Ted is very close by, in uniform looking to break cover of the bushes and enter house. Cedric and Catweazle enter sitting room. Cd " put everything up there ( mantelpiece), I'll keep watch" Ted is standing by window about to climb in, but before going any further gets the whistle and puts it up to his lips. He overheard the code, he blows, two whistles, a gap, then three whistles, sending the police off in wrong direction. Pugh nearby, P " outside...front" He runs off as Ted enters property. Cedric hearing whistles pokes head out of sitting room, only to see Charles. LC " I told you to go to bed....(hears whistles)..outside front" Charles runs off, Cedric goes back to Catweazle, Cd " get out through the window." Cedric leaves Catweazle confused as hell goes over to window. Outside Pugh ,Charles and Davidson meet up, they run off to where they think Ted is. But Ted actually is sneaking into sitting room, holding torch. Catweazle hears him enter, moves over from window, and is framed in torchlight. TT " stone the crows...what are you doing here?" Catweazle pulls out Adamcos his knife, CW " who art thou?" Ted smiles realising Catweazle doesn't recognise him. TT " oh , erm PC Williams Elderford police, you can put that knife away lad." Ted spies the sack of treasure he stole. TT " what's this?" CW " it was filched from this place by a ragged varmint." TT " oh is that so?" CW " if he shows himself just once more he'll be blasted" TT ( smiling)" will he?!" CW " he tried to trick me, but I was too clever for him" TT ( humouring) " were you indeed?" CW " silver tongued snake!" TT " what about these valuables?" CW " I have come hither to return them." TT " I'll give you a hand" CW " nay, not for ten hands shall ye have them" TT " no I meant I'll help you put them back, then you can go home." They start putting silver cups and goblets back on mantelpiece. Lady Collingford, Dotty, is awake and on the landing sees Cedric down in the hall. LyC " Cedric what an earth is going on, where's your father?" Cd " it's the burglar " LyC " don't be silly Cedric that was last night." Cd " he came back, Dad's gone to catch him" LyC " catch him, where?" Cd " in the front apparently, Inspector Pugh is with him" LyC " with the burglar?" Cd " no, Dad" LyC " I think it's all very childish, all this running about blowing whistles. The only thing your father will catch is a cold. Now Cedric, bed." Ted and Catweazle finish putting stolen stuff back, Ted wants Catweazle gone so he can steal them again. TT " okay lad run along, I'll carry on from here, let me show you out." Ted leads Catweazle to window, as a disappointed trio of Pugh, Charles and Davidson meet at front door. P " I'm sure we'll get him one day sir." LC " well I hope I'm on the magistrates bench when you do." P" Davidson, you better get Williams. You never know sir those cups may turn up eventually. Anyhow we've probably stopped him taking other stuff." LC " I hope so, goodnight " P " goodnight sir, I should lock up if I were you sir." Ted is pushing Catweazle out of the sitting room window. CW " I have the bone ache" TT " come on out you old idiot." As Catweazle climbs out, Davidson turns to see, he blows on his whistle. Tearful Ted realises he needs to scarper leaving his haul. Pugh had reached his car when he hears more whistles, P " outside..back" Catweazle runs back into house looking for another way out. Tearful Ted has reached front door but it's locked. Charles runs up thinking he's one of Pugh's men. LC " sorry, just locked it" He opens door for a smiling Ted and starts following Ted out, until a restraining hand stops him. TT " no its okay sir, I'll go." LC " hope you catch him" Pugh is outside, " Williams? Williams where are you?" Suddenly Pugh trips up, over the bound and gagged Williams, and ends up on the ground. P" Williams?!!" Housekeeper Mrs Gowdy is on landing with Dotty. MG " are you alright my lady?" LyC " I think so Mrs Gowdy" Meantime Catweazle desperately trying to get out creeps onto the landing, sees Dotty and Mrs Gowdy and backs away and accidentally knocks over a bronze freestanding but empty plant pot. Charles hearing this runs to investigate thinking the noise came from downstairs, passing Dotty looking down from landing. LyC " Charles?" LC " in a minute Dotty darling " MG " what is going on?" LyC " I really don't know, I'm hoping to be told eventually " Charles creeps gingerly into sitting room ,Pugh is there with torch, the torchlight sweeps over the mantelpiece. P " Crickey" LC " no, croquet Inspector, it's magic but how?" All the silver is back on display. P " Tearful Ted, it must have been him, he's repented at last " LC " amazing " On the landing, Mrs Gowdy, " shall I see what's going on my Lady" LyC " no thank you, all that whistling, it might start up again. I wonder if other people have such noisy burglars." MG " shall I make a pot of tea?" LyC " no thank you Mavis, you go off to bed, all I want is for the Elderford police to go home." Catweazle still here on the landing hiding behind a pillar, trapped hoping to get down the stairs and out.
  19. Back at Duck Halt, CW " he shall not hoodwink me again, I know him now" Cd " listen I can't take the stuff back now, they'll ask too many questions. You'll have to bring it back tonight." CW " huh?" Cd " it's the only way, come about midnight, I'll leave a window open" It's nearly midnight and Cedric in his pyjamas runs quietly down stairs to open a window for Catweazle. He is the hallway when a torch light shines in his face. Lord Collingford, Charles, is there, LC " Cedric?!" Cd " Dad?" LC " what an earth are you doing here?" Cd " erm..I was hungry." LC ' you're always hungry " Cedric notices Charles holding a wooden club like stick with a rounded top. Cd " what's that?" LC " a knobkerrie, look get yourself some cake or whatever then back to bed." Cd " what's it for?" LC " Tearful Ted " Cd " who?" LC " the burglar, Inspector Pugh thinks he may try again tonight." Cd " WHAT!! You didn't tell me" LC " sssshhhh, don't wake your Mother, I haven't told her yet either." Cd " why?, what's going on?" LC " well we've set a trap, left one of the sitting room windows open, Pugh's outside somewhere " Cd " where?" LC " I don't know, just lurking somewhere. He's got one of his chaps with him." Cd " why didn't you tell me?" LC " we thought it better not to. Go and get your cake, and don't turn the lights on." LC " where are you going now?" LC " on patrol, you, cake and bed" Cd " can I come?" LC " absolutely not, goodnight." Charles runs off, Cedric concerned, Catweazle is due soon, and the police are around. Cedric runs into sitting room, sees open window and closes it, he doesn't want Catweazle getting in now with the stolen stuff. In the grounds Inspector Pugh is on patrol. He whispers forcibly, in the middle of the beautiful garden surrounding the house. P " Williams?" A uniformed officer pokes his head up from behind a bush. P " oh good, you remember don't you?, one blast on the whistle, he's inside, two, outside, three front, four back. Have you got that?" Williams nods, P " good, now off you go" Pugh walks off, unseen nearby is Tearful Ted in his tramps disguise. Meanwhile Catweazle on his tricycle arrives in the nearby edge of the woods, close to King's Farthing, he dismounts carrying the sack of stolen property. Tearful Ted has removed his wig, to reveal a short classic haircut, and he is now in police uniform. At his feet is Williams, bound and gagged. Ted moves off to towards the house. Cedric has crept outside looking desperately for Catweazle to stop him coming. Inspector Pugh turns the corner and sees Cedric, who quick wittedly pretends he is sleepwalking. Arms outstretched in front of him, Cedric does an about turn and walks off fake sleepwalking, Pugh follows. Around another corner of the mansion, Cedric quickly runs for cover behind garden furniture. Pugh turns corner, and walks straight passed the hiding Cedric. A police car is parked on the driveway, another uniformed officer awaits. P." Davidson did you see the boy go by?" Davidson shakes head, P " he's walking in his sleep, if you see him, don't wake him, bad for him you know."
  20. Cedric enters looking seriously glum. CW " Owlface?" Cd " alright where are they?" CW " what sayest thou?" Cd " you know what I mean." CW " nay" Cd " don't fool me, you broke into King's Farthing last night and took Dad's cups" CW " cups?" Cd " yes I knew it was you when Mrs Gowdy said about the old tramp." CW " huh?" Cd ( shouts) " now hand them over, the cups" CW " cups?" Catweazle gets two mugs and offers them to Cedric. Cd " don't try and fool me, the silver cups." CW " silver cups? Oh aye.." Catweazle next offers Cedric an empty sardine tin. Cedric is not amused. Cd " alright if you won't own up" Cedric searches the waiting room , rummaging around the junk. Cd " it's no good Catweazle, this time you've gone too far." Cedric spies the sack, Catweazle grabs it. Cd" give it to me" CW " it's not mine to give" Cd " I know it isn't." CW " it is my new brother's, I have done with thee." Cd " what are you talking about now." CW " he bade me to guard it. Do not open it, inside are little green demons." Cd " you'll have to do better than that " Cedric opens sack and pulls out large silver challis, then other items of silver. Catweazle looks perplexed, Cedric realises the truth. Cd " you really didn't know? You didn't steal them?" CW " nay." Back at King's Farthing, Pugh and Lord Collingford P " you see my Lord I understand the criminal mind" LC " oh do you?" P " our job isn't it?" LC " yes I suppose it would be" P " you take Tearful Ted for instance, it has been known for him to do the same place two nights running" LC " beggar's got a nerve!" P " indeed he has My Lord indeed he has. He might come back tonight you see just when you're not expecting him." LC " how very alarming." P " but we shall be." LC " shall be what?' P " expecting him" At Duck Halt Catweazle angered by events. Cd " don't you see, if you were caught with these you'd be sent to prison, locked up, and the real thief goes free." Catweazle opens his magic book, CW ( angry) " I will raise demons, he will be blasted by the 77 plagues of Adremilik" At King's Farthing, P " well I'll leave two of my men on look out tonight and I'll keep an eye out myself" LC " that's very good of you Inspector " P " well we might catch him red handed, oh by the way, leave a window open."
  21. A man in his thirties, straggly ginger haired, looking every inch a tramp, runs onto the platform of Duck Halt, and into the waiting room, surprising Catweazle. CW " get gone!" It is Tearful Ted carrying a sack containing the stolen silver from Kings Farthing. TT "eh?" CW " hence, it is my castle" TT " do you live here?" CW " be gone or I'll blast thee" TT " steady on, I didn't know it was your gaff, I was just looking for a place to kip." CW " gaff!? kip?" Ted sits down clutching sack and starts to cry. TT " I've got no one in the world you see, no mates, nobody. ( blubs) It is very hard when no one understands you, no one to help you when you're down and out." Catweazle isn't sympathetic, CW " thou blubbering blowfly, thy will turn the milk. What wet eyed wiffler is this Touchwood?" Catweazle points to sack, CW " what has thou got there?" TT " it's all I've got in the world brother." CW softens his stance, CW " brother? My brother in magic? Does thou follow the mysteries? Does thou make magic?' TT " er......oh yes for sure, I've been at it for years." CW " and I, 900 years" TT " ( humouring)" 900, really, well well, you don't look a day over 65." CW " has thou magic in thy sack?' TT " yes that's right." CW " will thy show me?" TT " er, no no, I better not?' CW " demons?" TT " that's right, it's full of them, little green ones, very nasty." Catweazle suddenly is alarmed and hisses. CW " tttsss, tttssss..someone comes." Tearful Ted looks out through the crack in the door, Cedric is running onto the station platform, Ted runs over to the back window and starts climbing out. CW ( holding sack)" what about thy magic.?" TT " hide it, I'll collect it tonight. Don't open it" Catweazle gingerly hides sack among the junk piled up in this disused waiting room. CW " nay brother, Demons."
  22. Meanwhile in the sitting room of King's Farthing Inspector Pugh from the local constabulary is making notes in his notepad as he questions Lord and Lady Collingford, Cedric's parents about a burglary at the residence. P " where was the stolen property?" LC (points to mantelpiece) " over there Inspector" P " I see, can you give me a full description?" LC " yes of course, the big one stood in the middle, it's got two handles, one on each side, one with a dent in it, then a silver bowl thing on the right." LyC " no the left dear, the candlestick was on the right, next to that creepy looking inkwell." Inspector Pugh stops his scribbling looking weary. P " forgive me, I do have to give an accurate description, I can't put down creepy looking inkwell. " LC " no of course you can't Inspector, do try to be accurate Dotty darling." LyC " yes dear, shall we start again." LC " very well, and then two County team awards next to them" LyC " large silver goblets." LC " then four individual awards next to them." P " forgive me showing my ignorance, what were they all for?" Lord Collingford is taken aback, surely everyone knows! LC " what d'you mean, what were they all for, they were for croquet of course." Cedric is in the grounds of Kings Farthing heading back home when the Housekeeper Mrs Gowdy appears. MG " Cedric " Cd " hello Mrs Gowdy" MG " come on , they want to see us." Cd " who?" MG " the police." Cd " the police?!" MG " yes, we've been burgled." Cd" when?" MG " last night, everything's gone from the sitting room mantelpiece, the cups, the candlesticks, even that nasty old inkwell" Cd " what nasty old inkwell?" In the sitting room Inspector Pugh carries on with the interviews. P " now Mrs Gowdy, you discovered the theft?" MG " that's right Inspector, after breakfast when I came to see to the room" P " I see, did anyone call at the house yesterday that you do not know?' MG " well, there was an old tramp." Cedric immediately thinks....Catweazle Cd " an old tramp!?" LC " sssshhh" P ( to Mrs Gowdy) " go on" Cedric runs out of room saying, " excuse me" P " did he cry?" MG " cry? As a matter of fact he did" P " Tearful Ted." LC " I beg your pardon?" P " Tearful Ted, alias Sam Thompson, one of the cleverest thieves in the country." LC " good heavens." P " always works in a disguise, milkmen, tramps, sometimes even policemen."
  23. S2 E4 - THE SIGN OF THE CRAB In Duck Halt, the abandoned railway station that is home to Catweazle, he is reciting the rhyme, the flying spell he translated from the cellar of Kings Farthing, written on the wall by Cedric's great grandfather. CW " twelve are they that circle round, if power you seek they must be found. Look for where the 13th lies, mount aloft the one who flies. Today I search for the sign of the crab" Cedric enters waiting room carrying a plastic shopping bag. CW " morning Owlface " Cd " morning Catweazle " CW " what has thou brought me?" Catweazle rummages in bag. CW " carrots, bananas, cheese." Cd " can't stay long, I've got to get back" CW " aye, I must get back too" Cd " home I mean, not to Norman times" Catweazle continues to pull out food from bag, while Cedric picks up Catweazle's magic book. CW " eggs....butter" Cd " what is this book exactly?" CW " all the magic, it is the key of Solomon. Spells, charms , curses, invocations, potions, how to make rain, raise whirlwinds, find treasure" Cd " what about the lost treasure of the Collingfords, reckon you can find that?" CW " er....nay" Catweazle unwraps some newspaper to reveal a crab, and is overjoyed. CW " ah..see!! The sign of the crab, I thank you Owlface." Cd " give it back....it's not for you." Cedric grabs crab back. CW " tis the sign I seek" Cd " you ought to be ashamed of yourself." CW " jackdaw! It was I that found it." Cd " that's not finding it's stealing. It's time you knew the difference." CW ( angered) " thou are not my brother." Cd " we are having this for lunch." CW " get thee hence" Cd " alright I will, you're spoilt, that's you're trouble, you're completely spoilt." Cedric walks towards door, CW ( shouts)." SCALLION!" Cd " no more stealing."
  24. Within the narrative the balloon Rover was a device controlled by the Guardians and in episode 6 The Schizoid Man was deactivated after it mistakenly killed The Prisoner. Also the same episode was the only one it named as Rover. Put that episode up yesterday, WOW that was a complex one to post. I'd love to know what you or anyone actually thought of that story. In real life the original prop was a mechanical vehicle, like a go cart, but on first take it went into the sea and vanished, so Patrick desperate for this character "Rover " was looking skyward when he saw a weather balloon....the rest is history.
  25. 8. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Number 2 this episode......? Number 6 awakens to find The Village completely deserted. He sees this as an opportunity to escape. He takes numerous photos before assembling a raft and taking flight by sea for 25 days. He takes careful notes as to headings and times as best he can, but has an unfriendly encounter with gun-runners who are of no assistance. In fact they try to kill him by tossing him into the sea. He feigns death, but swims onto the boat unseen, captures them, and pilots the boat to near a shoreline, He jumps off and swims to shore. He has landed at Beachy Head, Southern England. Wandering, he encounters a small band of Gypsies who speak no English. He eludes what appears to be a police manhunt and stows away on a truck which takes him to London. A Mrs Butterworth occupies his old townhouse and drives his Lotus 7. She is unperturbed when he approaches her, seems intrigued by his plight, and feeds and clothes him. He mentions that the next day is his birthday. Receiving Number Six's promises that he will return with her car, Mrs. Butterworth says she might even bake him a birthday cake. He returns to the underground carpark/office where he presents himself to his old boss. His photo (and other) evidence of The Village meets with considerable skepticism. Former colleagues "The Colonel" and "Thorpe" are not entirely convinced that Number Six has not defected and now returned as a double agent, but after verifying all the details of his escape and evasion story, they seem to be more reassured. With the assistance of some military officers and a map, they determine the general vicinity of the Village ("Coast of Morocco, southwest of Portugal and Spain." "Might be an island."). He leads a jet fighter pilot in a sweep of the area and spots the Village from the air, the pilot nods and removes his flight helmet to reveal it isn't the expected RAF officer, but a guy last scene at the RAF base delivering milk! A switch has been made and 6 is unceremoniously ejected, parachutes in, and finds The Village still totally deserted. 6 enters his cottage and is greeted iby the new Number Two: Mrs. Butterworth ! She offers him "Many happy returns!" and a birthday cake. Outside as if by magic or WHAT ? the Villagers are all back, he is a prisoner again.
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