Gelling signs new four-year deal with Wigan

Wigan Warriors centre Anthony Gelling has put pen to paper on a new four-year deal with the club.

The news was announced by Chairman, Ian Lenagan, in a question and answer session on Wigan TV, the club’s official online television channel.

Gelling joined the Club at the end of 2011 and made his debut in March 2012 against Widnes. He made his international debut at the 2013 World Cup when he played twice for the Cook Islands.

The Kiwi has continually improved during his time at Wigan and made the centre position his own in 2014 when he made 23 appearances and scored 11 tries.

That fine form has continued in 2015 with Gelling making a further 13 appearances and scoring seven tries before picking up a hamstring injury.

Speaking to Wigan TV, Chairman Ian Lenagan said: “This is the time of year when we are looking at long-term signings, Kris Radlinski and myself who manage all of that have been very busy making sure that we have contracts further forward in time.

“We’ve just signed Anthony Gelling on a four-year contract. Anthony is a character and I think the Wigan fans have come to love him, whether he’s on his bike or whatever it is. He’s not on his bike at the moment, he’s with Wigan for the long-term and we’re delighted with that.”

The popular Wigan player made the headlines earlier in the year when he arrived at the DW Stadium for the Good Friday Derby with St Helens on a BMX bike.

“There’s only Gelling who could do that,” said Ian. “He’s a character and you need characters in teams. He’s a great character but he’s also a very good player and we are delighted he’s with us for the long-term.”

The new deal will see Gelling remain with Wigan until the end of 2019.