Lebanon unfinished with Adam Doueihi appeal as World Cup star set for second investigation 

LEBANON are firmly focused on ensuring that star halfback Adam Doueihi will be included in their crunch group game against Ireland this weekend – despite a one-match ban. 

The Wests Tigers star was sent off by referee Grant Atkins for alleged ‘foul and abusive language’ aimed at the official – something which Doueihi vehemently denies. 

Lebanese officials had been hoping to have an audio of what Doueihi said to the referee at hand, but that evidence was unavailable due to a ‘technical glitch’ at the time meaning there is two sides to the story which cannot be verified. 

The Tigers star did apologise after the game to Atkins with coach Michael Chieka giving the halfback a character reference. 

Now, though, Lebanon are set to go to a second hearing with the appeal being held tonight.  

If successful, Doueihi will be able to line up against the Wolfhounds this weekend in what promises to be one of the most entertaining games of the World Cup so far. 

Without the Wests man, the Cedars would be seriously weakened as evidence of the last quarter of their loss to New Zealand last Sunday proved.